
various devices from laptops to iphones to palm pilots to usb drives:

I think the only difference is that, if they get your wireless password, they can sniff the wireless traffic between your router and computer. So yeah, it's less secure.

i've played around with the idea of pre-fetching all my favorite journals and the associated pdf's using wget or something along those lines. It'd have to be configured for each publisher, but wouldn't be impossible. Wouldn't even necessarily be that hard. You could choose just the most recent issue, or perhaps you

Yes, Calibre will try to convert pdfs. But by their own admission, it's a difficult and very crappy process. And that's for text-only pdfs. I can pretty much guarantee you that any pdf with figures in it, etc, is going to look like a total piece of shit having been converted to epub. And you ain't never gonna find

golf ball for massaging the feet works great too.

The only reason I have an ebook reader is for the eink display. I stare at backlit screens enough during the day. I don't need to stare at them when i'm supposed to be reading a "book", or on vacation, or whatever. I'm surprised so many people find reading on the ipad, nook color, etc, to be so nice.

re: folders, does the kobo support "collections"? Those are probably better than a single-depth of folders. One book can belong to more than one collection, etc. Hierarchical collections would be da bomb, but i haven't seen that implemented anywhere.

ereaders generally SUCK for pdfs. I'm an academic myself, and have wrestled with getting my sony touch prs-650 to play nice with pdfs. I lost the wrestling match. (I still have hopes that the prs+ firmware will swoop in to save the day, but even then, it won't be a wonderful solution).

Anyone know what filetypes FileSearchEX indexes?

Yep! I've been hoping for that for a while now - ever since Google Desktop Search was essentially abandoned.

anyone have good experience with selling via any particular broker? if so, mind sharing the deets?

yeah, sorry 'bout that. couldn't help myself. minus 500 points for me.

yeah - that's the tried and true method, right? surprised it didn't make it into the article.

uh, "those set working times are 25 minutes each with 5 minute breaks in between, so you fit four sessions nicely into one hour". I guess the pomodoro technique doesn't require math skills. Jesus that's snarky! ;-)

Yeah, a couple years back I obsessed about all the different virtual desktop programs out there, and I tried them all. I wanted more bells and whistles, but I stuck with VirtuaWin because it was more solid in the basics. And now I find I don't miss any of those bells and whistles. Long live VirtuaWin.

better be sure it ain't beach sand. salt + tools = a reader really pissed off at LH.

about 2 decades ago (ouch) i was at a party in santa cruz, ca. There was some kid walking around with a camelback. We struck up a conversation, and he was *raving* about how much he loved water. SO refreshing. SO beautiful and clean and pure. SO amazing.