
For those into such things, there's a 3rd-party firmware for the sony readers called PRS+: [] . It allows you to make folders under which you can organize all your books, change fonts and languages, and a bunch of other things. I'm hoping the developers add a tweak to the pdf capabilities which

thanks for the thoughts, jryan. Hunting cameras tend not to be wired - they just snap pics, and then you have to go pick up the SD card and see what you got. Perhaps there are more wired versions out there, but in general, they're built to hang on a tree in all sorts of weather with a minimum of things that can go

I wanna swap my iphone 3g with one that is unlockable (plus a little cash i'm sure). Any ideas as to where I might advertise such a swap?

An email from my brother, who is looking for a security-cam setup. Any suggestions? tia!

yeah - just that I already have this one. perhaps I could offer it up somewhere for a swap... I'm in Panama...

thanks for the thoughts, brent. I actually live out-of-country, so i'll be using it pretty much full time. It's a hand-me-down, and upgrading likely won't happen until i get a new-to-me hand-me-down. :-( Ok, fingers crossed that GPS will hang in there with the baseband upgrade...

Wringing my hands about whether or not I should unlock my iphone 3g. It's at 4.2.1, with 5.15.04 baseband and bootloader 5.9. Unlocking would mean upgrading the baseband to 6.15.00, which runs the risk of knocking out GPS functionality. I want to use it out of country, and hence the desire to unlock it. Any

what's the problem with the large profile of the ergo 4000 - styling? hmm, RSI vs. my desk looking cool... tough choice...

bittorrent - hadn't even considered that! i have no idea how i'd go about sharing a file with someone over bittorrent. and how to keep it private if need be?

Depends on your tastes of course. But as far as I'm concerned, that's a resounding yes.

wow - is badass! For my own usage, it actually lacks a key component. I'm interested in enabling folks in bandwidth-challenged areas (think of place like Bolivia, for example) to participate in the global web. One of their limitations is slow and unsteady connections which always break http downloads.

What about a "before" album - photos from both of your childhoods, lives, etc. Then you could give them the "after" album - well, not really "after", but you get the point - after the wedding...

are you talking about auto-launching programs, or also things like services? If just the former, you could write a .bat file that you could double-click to launch everything when you're plugged in, and that you wouldn't run when on battery. Perhaps there's some way to interact with the system and see if it's on

Don't know if there are equivalents for normal files on blueray, but Exact Audio Copy (EAC) [] will keep trying to rip audio tracks until it gets them right. It doesn't always work, but i think it does sometimes work when other rippers would have failed. Perhaps there's something similar for

Does "good" and "all-inclusive" belong in the same sentence?

downloading from megaupload and the like would be awesome, but probably impossible. Megaupload tracks IP's, and doesn't let a particular ip download more than a file at a time or something like that. I don't know how many IP sideCloud owns, but I doubt it'd be enough to let them offer a service like that

right - you could use, and then side-load from there, but sideCloud would have to be able to authenticate at torrific, which i'm sure it won't be able to. Perhaps sometime in the future, sideCloud will add some sort of authentication routines to load files from password-protected pages and the like.

@kettlewhistle: how much do they not want him there? If *alot*, then maybe some sort of intervention is in order (mostly in terms of his pride, and letting others help him out)? I'm no expert, so *huge* grain of salt...

@opulentflair: Not sure how they do with programming, but I've always liked for web design stuff. Might try 'em for php? [] (though the site seems down at the moment...)

could be! capillary action has to fight against gravity, so the further up the water has to climb, the dryer the shirt will get. But still, probably better than leaving it all at the bottom...