
Hmm, skype has better quality than tinychat to be sure. The major problem is that I want an open line where people can join in just by connecting. With skype, the host has to manually add a person to a group video chat. For example, I have Bob on video chat. Jane calls in, and skype asks me if i want to put bob on

Skype does indeed have an auto-answer! Didn't realize that. Thanks. Still, not sure what happens when multiple people call in at once. Any way to have some sort of chat room in skype? Doubt it...

tokbox looks like it's just an API...

i think tinychat is perfect! hope the quality is good. thanks!

I'm having a reunion for a study-abroad group in a month or so. There will be lots of folks abroad that won't be able to make it, so I want to set up some sort of open video connection that folks can dial into to participate in the festivities.

screwdriver? hammer works just fine, and it's more fun.

gotcha - thanks for the info! so, bloom = good. But do you think it's necessary to let it bloom for the entire extraction period?

1) When it blooms, my french press has a very substantial puck of grinds stuck at the top. So, if I allow the coffee to "bloom" in the french press, it seems that the grinds aren't in good contact with the open water, and so aren't getting extracted.

this is very strange and worrying! Without storing cookies, how does any site know that you're you? Can you try deleting the cookies.sqlite file in your profile directory and see if that works?

@3 Laws of Robotics: I'm confused - how are you not being logged out when you delete cookies? That *should* do the trick. If there are some flash cookies being used, you could try using BetterPrivacy also, but I really doubt that's the issue. Perhaps you could try clearing your cache as well, and see if that helps?

hmm - what we need now is a client-side javascript-based (or java or whatever) truecrypt decryptor so you can access your encrypted files from anywhere.

betterbidding is badass. It can help you figure out exactly which hotel is really offering the deal on hotwire using previous users' experience and the list of amenities offered. and yes - very well organized with a very responsive moderator.

What's up with his tooting the "drip" horn? Seems like everyone has been poo-pooing the drip and pushing the aero-press, etc. Are we going to hear the drip crowd pushing back now?

this vs. multiflOw - who wins?

i use interfax for cheap per-fax charges that also works internationally. then i use efax as my free incoming number. In more detail here: []

ooh, boy - thanks for holding back on the mamma jokes. i got lucky this time...

i recommend having *really* good backups of your password database, for whichever program you use. And make sure that backup is not encrypted by a password stored in your password program!

@furryfrog: agree with your outlook. in this case though, it sounds like they're actually *using* less pesticides on those crops. Not that they're using none, but less anyway...

hmm - if i just wrote "work" for 8 hours, guaranteed i wouldn't get sh*t done. (perhaps the above is just his template?)