i actually find comments *worse*. much easier to read and scroll through in the old format. And I can't stand the sidebar. I mean, who doesn't know how to open a link in a new tab? it's way too busy.
i actually find comments *worse*. much easier to read and scroll through in the old format. And I can't stand the sidebar. I mean, who doesn't know how to open a link in a new tab? it's way too busy.
for me, in general, this new layout blows. Hopefully I'll just get used to it. But I don't think so.
I use this userscript to blacklist spammy domains. hopefully the author will add the ability to import blacklists soon.
@y0urm0msname: if you keep an eye on the BOC discussion thread you can see what other people are getting. You can sign up for a fedex account, and then see the size and weight of the box being shipped to you. You can then kinda triangulate to see what you think will be in yours.
@madwriter: I agree with PearsonFlyer - gots ta be illegal. Maybe you could look around for info on the labor laws. Or, perhaps there's a free community legal center around you could ask?
@eaglesfan: leave it on the curb! or, post it in the craigslist freebie section - someone out there probably has a use for it.
@koaly: let me just say what a cool significant other you are! how many so's would actually try to *help* their boyfriend's game playing?
@diw321: i wonder how much carbon it takes to produce the uranium or whatever it is nuclear reactors use. Also all the carbon used to forge the ship itself, all the maintenance, all the planes flying off it, etc. Probably less carbon than a gasoline powered aircraft carrier, but still. Regardless, the point is that…
@SenorValasco: Here, I made you a camera phone.
what about a good calendaring app that syncs with a desktop?
Old Hat. Evo was on this a long time ago with Coca-Colla: [www.guardian.co.uk]
@tuxus: oh, give me a break. i've had plenty of experience with refurbs over the years, and i'm not just drawing conclusions from the past 2 months. You want to go find statistical significance? Go for it. My own experiences are enough to convince me, and others seem to feel similarly. I don't need to convince…
@tuxus: i'm sure it's always varied somewhat, of course. But in the last couple months, for example, i've had to return a remanufactured western digital hard drive and a refurb sony e-reader, both basically DOA. DOA! They didn't even bother testing the damn things!
i've found that the quality of refurbs has gone down over the years. Back in the day, a refurb was pretty much equivalent to new. Now, it does indeed seem like a crapshoot.
@davepermen: right, but doesn't help the bandwidth-limited folks.
@davepermen: ah, gotcha. NOT a "crossload" then, and not even a "web-to-web upload".
This is also useful for folks in low-bandwidth regions. Downloading from some sites is very flaky. Loading from dropbox is much more reliable.
@lens42: you can use search engine blacklist in chrome: [lifehacker.com]
@gover57: really? didn't know. in that case, surely the toaster oven wins.
@tobylane: AdBlock plus is great, but it doesn't keep you from being tracked by folks like google, facebook, etc, unfortunately.