
@Jonjunkaccount: Problem with using CHDK is that you really want to trigger off of IR (so that branches blowing in the wind don't trigger it, but a warm-blooded critter does).

uh, why just for succulents? i'm'a putta woody plant in that shizzle...

@Please Help Me: "Cement manufacturing releases CO2 in the atmosphere both directly when calcium carbonate is heated, producing lime and carbon dioxide,[14] and also indirectly through the use of energy if its production involves the emission of CO2. The cement industry is the second largest CO2 emitting industry

@TyroPrate: I like the idea of boomerang, but i need something that works with Thunderbird. Boomerang has an Outlook plugin, but no plans to develop one for TB. :-(

@battra92: horrible - sorry to hear of your situation! I'm all for digitizing, etc, but I really do think the digital dark age thing is something to worry about - to a large extent anyway.

I love playing old apple IIe games. Sweet emulator here: [] You can download all sorts of old bin files to load up as floppies. You can even choose to use a Green or Amber screen. Love it.

not only does it chew up batteries, flash also chews up bandwidth - especially if you belong to the marginalized low-bandwidth populations of the world. Adblock plus is a *huge* help in those instances.


@mynamesafad: right - credit card warranties still hold for items over $100. It's just that you often have to send the item in if it's over $100 to claim the warranty. For those under $100, you don't even have to send it in.

LH: Please, please, please stop telling people their warranties are only probably valid for a year! Most people use credit cards to buy stuff, and most credit cards carry a FREE extended warranty service! So, if your device carries a year manufacturer's warranty, your credit card probably extends that to 2 years.

@Nitesh: Yep, it is! Among other things, you're locked into the chosen white balance of the P&S with a jpeg. That can be altered with RAW. You also have more room to play with the exposure while not losing info, and you keep more levels in the shadows, etc. So - yes, definitely of use!

@askj113: 1) 2 people is an entire comment section?

@askj113: Trolling: "inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response" [] Mine was neither off-topic, extraneous nor inflammatory. What I

@tgrwillki: yeah, so you have to go offline during the whole time-lapse shot? that's exactly the problem! I suppose you could change your message to the following: "Uh, sorry, I'm going to have to turn your business away cause I'm busy taking a time-lapse shot of my dog licking his *ss."

uh, who the @$! would set up time-lapse with their smartphone? ring ring - dooh!

@flinx1: right, sorry, mispoke. need to get it up above 15V with batteries, and then regulate down.