@SquareWheel: haha - good question. i'll have to ask her about that. but perhaps you've heard - kids are capable of anything. ;-)
@SquareWheel: haha - good question. i'll have to ask her about that. but perhaps you've heard - kids are capable of anything. ;-)
@bmearns: entering of a password is indeed an inconvenience, though not a huge one. The major inconvenience is installing all this crap to make it work, and then hoping that it doesn't screw up your system in the process. So - I would content that the installation is a major inconvenience. I figured that I wouldn't…
@drewcareybuglione: Sounds like there's something funny going on there. Though, perhaps battery voltages and DC voltages can be different for these guys. I would stick to messing with the DC plug in terms of being creative with power - the battery port likely has all sorts of other intelligent crap going on.
@bmearns: I exactly addressed all your points. Please specify where I didn't.
@mnerd: @chknstrp: thanks all. fyi, an apple rep walked me through their site to where i could send them an mail asking for a "one-time regrant" of apps and music. Apparently we'll be all set in 24 hours. And my daughter will be syncing to her computer from now on. ;-)
@chknstrp: thanks all. fyi, an apple rep walked me through their site to where i could send them an mail asking for a "one-time regrant" of apps and music. Apparently we'll be all set in 24 hours. And my daughter will be syncing to her computer from now on. ;-)
@bmearns: haha. Dude - YOU're the one who responded to MY comment in the first place! And I'm sorry to hear that your inability to respond to my arguments makes you feel bored.
My daughter's ipod touch died, sent it back to apple, got a new one. The problem: she wasn't syncing with itunes, so all her apps are *poof*.. gone. Is there any way to get them back, perhaps from her itunes store account or something? Or are we hosed?
@michelito: why do you think you need n? i'd do a quick back-of-the-envelope calculation first, looking at your ISP's speed versus 802.11 b/g/n speeds. Overheads and stuff can be tricky, but hopefully you can at least get a ballpark estimate of whether or not going "n" will help you at all.
@drewcareybuglione: hmm, what voltage does the board run off? Probably something around 20V? I would suggest looking around for lead-acid batteries (car batteries, but smaller). You could have a couple of them, charging one at home while the other is running at school, and just swap 'em every day or two. Or if you…
@x3geek: 1) Extended warranties from credit cards are free! So, are they worth is? Hell Yes!
@mike.dhavale: i've been trying to get a hold of some adapters myself. I haven't found any one good place online to get 'em cheap. $3 is the lowest I've found for a 12V coax adapter on ebay, for example. When you want a bunch of 'em, $3 doesn't look so cheap.
@bmearns: sounds like a pretty damn big inconvenience to me. and this sounds like a vain attempt to justify one's paranoia.
@bmearns: hehe. go for it dude. i'm not telling you that you can't do whatever you want to your computer. I am, however, telling you that you're being ridiculous, imho. Yes, I'm sure there is a nightmare story or two out there. But letting those couple stories rule your life = paranoia. You probably drive in a…
@bmearns: lordy. you think you have anything so worthwhile that someone would beat it out of you? give me a break. as i said above: are you a chinese or iranian dissident? are you a terrorist? are you anything along those lines? no? then don't worry about it.
@sweenish: google groups files and pages weren't being used? and neither was google desktop search? as i said, there are probably good business reasons for doing what they are doing. and i hardly think my post could be classified as "over-reaction".
We are entering the age of "Google Shutting Stuff Down": Wave, Groups Files and Pages, GDS basically being unsupported and un-updated (and my guess is that it's officially on the way out soon), and now this. I'm sure there will be more to come. While I'm sure there are good business reasons for the shutdowns, still,…
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@RenRen: i resist technological "solutions" that exist for the sake of technology, and not for the sake of the so-called solution.