
@Jumbleofletters: ok, so, it says i need an account to download spotify. and i get a "not in your country" page when i go to their homepage, which i assume means i can't sign up for an account. even if i could download the exe, i'd still need to sign up via a valid IP, no? Hence, seems like i still need a proxy.

@pfmoose: thanks for the tip. unfortunately, ivacy seems to only allow demo connections to go through their russian proxy, not their UK one.

@GamerOfFreedom: thanks, but i don't seem to be able to get any of those proxies working. I've tried this in the past too, and no joy then either. alas.

hey folks - any recommendations for proxy setups to get a french/finnish/norweigan/spanish/swedish/british IP address?

@cisengineer: or spend the $20, not $1.50, that these things usually cost.

a little tip for those who get over-zealous in their attempts to get a BOC: if you try to buy with more than one browser window, the servers choke on you! So - if you have wootalyzer or any other tool auto-opening buy windows for you - just let one of them run!

@anamika: This is what I do, especially when paypal is the easiest way to checkout. I've had issues in the past where paypal will deny my claims for a refund. I then have recourse to my CC. So when Paypal denied my claim, I then went to my CC which approved it, and I got my money back.

@SDreamer: Here's another vote for using the engadet-linked drivers. For simplicity, I'm linking to them here:

In my version of FF, it's Help-Check for Updates. (no need to go to the about menu).

@johnsmith1234: well, you might not log in for another 1000. It was my impression that it was the old accounts that were hacked.

Anyone else have their ICQ account konk out on them? Alot of icq users' passwords no longer work, and judging from the comments on, it seems that many of the accounts were hijacked. But there doesn't seem to be any way to ask icq to reset your password for you if you no longer have access to your old email

@freakshowtime: thanks for the heart (thump thump). This is the first time I've had such trouble with a post, so I think I'm usually ok with my online-expression-chops. But this one certainly bombed, so i'll be a bit less cavalier next time. thx for the feedback.

@BishopBlaize: There's nothing _wrong_ with that. It is, however, surprising to see a BBC tech article featured on LH. A quick check seems to indicate that there's never been such a geeky piece of info posted on LH by the BBC before. Take a look for yourself: [] . Spam stories? sure. Scanner

the **BBC** reports?????

@johnsmith1234: I imagine the only time memory starts becoming a problem is when you're shooting raw continuous. Or maybe sports shooting in any format.

@mnerd: bummer! I s'pose one thing you could look into is offering to help port it to the 1200is, if ya got the chops for it.

@virgilstar: re: memory cards, "cheap" ones aren't necessarily "slow". You just have to look at the class (in SD cards) or the "x" rating in CF cards. Perhaps there are other reasons to avoid "cheap" cards, though I buy 'em as cheap as I can get 'em.

For my P&S, I'll never buy anything but Canon, or at least until they port CHDK [] to other platforms. Previously covered by LH [] , I've found CHDK to open up all sorts of amazing creative possibilities. From time-lapse photography to motion detection, CHDK can do it. You normally have

@jmblackmer: oh! thanks. (as he drags the proggie to the recycle bin...)