Lucky Alexander

Depp and Brando were extremely close friends. Brando was like a father to Johnny. What's he supposed to call him? It's what friends do.

Oh, he does not and you're not funny…

Johnny wears an earbud because he listens to MUSIC while acting. He's been doing it since the 90's! Honestly, some liar trying to deflect his guilt in an embezzlement case says one stupid unrelated lie and every sheep in the journalistic pool picks up on it and adds their own special twist. What a crock! And even

You are really uninformed, aren't you? He's been a Hollywood icon for almost 35 years, won numerous awards, made BILLIONS of dollars for the studios world wide, is industry known as the most humble and generous person to know and NOT ONE of those charges brought against him by that lying sociopath of an ex wife was

Doesn't mean he drank that much…his wife (ex) has quite a healthy addiction and he also has a few well stocked wine cellars.

He's 53.

Oh, get over yourself…none of what you said is true.

We are not talking about rabbits. We are talking about two fur balls that are never out of sight of anyone who knows them. This was a total overreaction by the stupidest government officials on earth.

Sorry…nothing on board but common sense!

Put an entire country's ecosystem in danger…get real!!! Tell me something…how is it possible that two tiny rat-like dogs that can fit in a purse and couldn't get close enough to another dog to give it rabies much less any other disease be such a danger for a country's ecosystem? This has been blown all out of wack