Lucky Luke

‘Artist’ Apologizes For Telling Plane Passengers He’s Infected With Coronavirus For Viral Video

I’m Chewie not getting a fucking medal :(

The 1000cc injectors and 6182 turbo speak of about 400-500hp, but since the seller does not mention any upgraded internals we’ll have to assume they’re stock.

Alonso’s life will one day make a hell of a bio pic, and I hope to be there to watch it!

Next they’ll be using sanitation workers clothing and calling themselves “shitsters”.

Next they’ll be using sanitation workers clothing and calling themselves “shitsters”.

In all honesty, if I were to be shamed about my posture I would much rather give this money to my mom who will be more than happy to nag me into sitting up straight every minute of the day.

That’s what you get when you fuck a snake.

- What’s UpGuard?

They don’t really mention what it is they extract from seawater, but seawater is composed of a very few number of things:

Wow, fancy shootin’ an all, but he painted over the door-to-fender panel gap (it’s most obvious in the side-shots). That’s the equivalent of painting over the belly button of a supermodel.

At about 15.5:1 (by mass) for butane or propane, the volume of that car looks about right for a can of air freshner.

there have been a couple of times we have needed to schlep things there and back on the same day. 

I say NP: Pay the 5,500 and recoup the cost by smuggling giving a ride to a few illegal immigrants amigos across the other border. I mean, who’s going to suspect this monstrosity all-american freedom wagon?

An Alfa form the early nineties?!? Are you fucking insane??? Not on your life, not even if they paid me 5,200 American Pesos to have.

potentially have to scour an entire country

Are you able to register development vehicles in the US? I thought they all went to scrap.

So... heart disease and cancer? Yep, heart disease and cancer.

Well, it hasn’t gone up either, so when you account for inflation you are looking at a decrease.

So, is this really the solution to the rise of STI’s?

* Moments before *