
@Dropolus: Yes you reboot the servers. I don't know the specifics but I think you can reboot the physical machines if necessary or actually reboot just the web server software running on the machines. Considering facebook is so huge it probably has its own server farms i would guess the rebooted the machines. But who

I didn't like the concept phone at all. Why would I want to wave my hands around using the weird clicky mouse to navigate my phone (an incredibly tiny screen) when i could just touch it.

@LeftClicker: Its about GIFs don't they go hand in hand with the heathen early years of the internet were horrible fonts and page layouts were the norm? Comic Sans is appropriate.

@luciusad2004: Whats the deal with Tea anyway? I tried it once and analyzed the basic tea drinking experience. I determined that the rest of the pot would just be dried up plant matter in scalding hot water, and I put my cup down.

Thank you SO much for this post... in my area its always like "coffee or die" and i feel like the only person who hates all things coffee and loves tea.

@geolemon: I listen to music on my Blackberry all the time. It def drains battery more but i don't find I spend so much time doing it that it becomes an issue. But it can definitely take my 2 day battery life down to 1 day if i use it a lot.

@Darren Doyle: Actually I sat through it anway, Pretty interesting stuff.

@Darren Doyle: Man i really wanted to watch this until i realized it was an hour and a half : (

@DavidAndrus: I can def tell the difference as well. Except im one of the few ppl who seem to NOT like throwback that much. It seems to me that a lot of older people like it because it reminds them of how soda USED to taste. Not to imply your old.

I'm curious what they mean by "testing on prisoners." Are they actually going to wait for a riot to bring this bad boy out or are they going to pick inmates at random for actual clinical testing and research? If the inmates didn't consent to the testing and it wasn't used in a form of self defense I imagine this would

@Badlands99: Because the effects are unknown. They did mention the possibility of cancer caused by the microwaves. But hey thats 50 years down the road, who cares right?

@PDRIFT: I've never had trouble with cops but I've always wanted such a system. Imagine the possibilities of multiple cameras that record constantly in multiple directions and sensors in your vehicle that can detect crashes, car speed, direction, etc. It could work like a black box for cars. It would provide evidence

@Unholy_Hero: Couldn't tell ya, but its a table so i'll assume its a designer deal with limited function. I'm thinking its aimed more at clubs and professionals who want that extra bit of "show" without going the full custom route. I was just joking though that it'll be placed near an outlet either way because of

@Unholy_Hero: Yeah you shouldn't need to place this so close to an outlet. That might mess with the sensitive electronic equipment its meant to support.

@satyrica: except that scientists have measured it and said "hey this constant force exists and is having measurable effects on our instruments, we just don't know what it is yet."

@reuthermonkey: I actually find this practice disgusting. If my father on his deathbed decides to make some stupid purchasing decisions, why should i be forced to pay back the bank that unwisely lent him the money. Why should I be the one to get screwed over. It's not my damn problem. What do they do if you refuse to

@zeroprime: same here, I didn't even know about instant untill gizmodo posted about it, and even then I didn't see it in action for a day or two when i actually decided to go to the google page and check it out and see what the hubbub was about. Then i was like meh, i just don't have to click go (wich i never do

@Josh_Geyer: Yeah, like I said, I wouldn't recomend doing as nekitamo suggested because you'll get a similar response out of the cop as what your uncle gave you if not a worse one (like the one I mentioned).

@nekitamo: That'll teach him what, how to taze you and tell you to gtfo? I wouldn't recommend chasing down cops and getting cocky with them.

@SmoothDaddyG: There rolling out a new program were the passengers learn to serve other passengers.