
I am 3 months late to the party but I am just watching this show now and the writers have done Keely SUCH a disservice. It would have been great to watch her navigate being a boss bitch on her own but they threw in the whole Jack thing which results in Rebecca bailing her out (which also is a lovely testament to their

Also, if your child is having behavioral problems up to the point that a parent needs to be present in the classroom...don’t have a gun in the house. I dont give a shit if its biometric or kept in a safe. Don’t have one. 

Yea that is my guess. I dont think it was anything “offensive”. Part of me thinks thats a PR move to make Fox look like they have some sort of moral line you can’t cross but I am not buying it. He bad mouthed the money.

I think Lil Nas X was going for a bejeweled cat vibe which Karl Lagerfeld was known for so not actually widely off theme

I immediately fixed my posture after seeing that header image

I am guessing its this:

YES to the Pineapple and Jalepenos mix! I do italian sausage, pineapple and jalepenos. So good.

I don’t think I was able to properly sleep for days after watching s3.1 where they introduce the fetish killer.

The article brushed past this, but negotiation goes beyond buying/selling. I agree with you that in general haggling is a waste of time, there are occasional exceptions. Relationship dynamics is where the real negotiation happens for a lot of us. We negotiate with our families, with our spouses, our bosses, our

Some places still won’t do separate checks which is really frustrating and something I do not understand at all. But it never seems worth to hassle our server over it so it’s a chance to practice the basic math skills

I mean that’s great when used cars are more affordable than new cars but right now their value is over-inflated. 

It sounds like she even said in an interview that she and other people used to tease him:

the connotation used by the conservative bill-writers is more specifically the abortion of something with a heartbeat

I feel like this review is asking for the expectations of an entire season to be met in 2 episodes.

For my mother in law who is in a fixed income, yes. We share our streaming services with her because she isn’t able to work so she doesnt have a lot to do and streaming is a luxury.

Marie Kondo does not owe anyone an apology. Full stop.

We’ll just switch to lip syncing every time the n-word comes up?

You aren’t wrong, but I think it would be a disservice not to mention that police reform is also tricky because the first reaction from police departments is to say “you won’t let us do things how we want so we just wont do our jobs”. Then you see crime rise, people get scared and all of the sudden are pro police

I mean it’s a problem for the cockroaches, lice and bed bugs.

I feel like it was fun to laugh at it yesterday but now the fun has passed.