
Oh yeah, I 100% agree that he does not write romance novels. But every time he tries to explain it I end up making a face like a baby who just tried a lemon for the first time.

"I don't read comic books, I read graphic novels."

Like a guy who's going to leave you with an incurable disease that will give him some new insight into his own condition?

Now I'm just picturing the same arrogance from other hacks.

People began getting suspicious when the Yelp reviews went from 1 star to a sparkling emerald dragon.

Zhang's Noodles: OpiYUM!

That was the 90's. Look at what NSYNC and TLC used to wear. It was just the trends. She did her job and it worked cos a whole bunch of people are still jamming to "The Writing's On The Wall". lol

I legitimately only found Beyonce in that picture by a process of elimination.

That's actually kind of offensive because Kate is gay.

No desire to roast a chicken. Vegetarian and happy to remain that way.

I'm a little (a lot) skeptical of this internet doctrine that all videos must be shot horizontal no matter what. What benefit would have been gained from being able to see the rest of the room? In some cases, where there's a lot of panning back and forth, yes, horizontal is better. But all that would have changed

Let It Go Fuck Yourself

Just one cornrow or a couple on the side is really cool [as opposed to a headful], but they have to be on the right person with the right clothing.

Another great piece from She Who Stays Woke, Kara Brown, Our Lady Of Killing It, Teller of Truths and Dispeller of Lies.

Well, now I need to go watch Bring It On clips on YouTube. THANKS A LOT.


you don't know that she only has one tribra, maybe it was taken before and after laundry. Shishhhh man. Maybe its her dress up tribra

Plus from the pictures it would appear she only has one tribra. I'm not convinced. Anyone planning on getting a third breast would have invested in making several tribras pre surgery.

Dear people who do this: