Cherry tomatoes off the vine from a tomato plant you've grown yourself is pretty flavourful. (The variety was gardener's delight, if that's any help :p)
Cherry tomatoes off the vine from a tomato plant you've grown yourself is pretty flavourful. (The variety was gardener's delight, if that's any help :p)
"Google just told me that stuff is called "pith." That's...that's honestly kind of the perfect name for spacklewax."
Yeah, it's further off-putting when it's kids doing it. As some of the more...colourful or aggressive responses you may have to adults to assert your boundaries seem less appropriate and there's more of a cognitive dissonance.
...He doesn't like nutella?
No, you aren't in the wrong. It's case by case. Your lived experience and your feelings that matter.
Well, it's probably not yelling at someone across a street. So location and context may be factors (that kind of stuff is probably going to be expected at a singles bar, so the other person may be more prepared for that scenario, so it's less likely to seem random, unwelcome and threatening).
Hum. It sounded like he genuinely didn't know how to navigate social situations. His reaction was confused and angry that you'd reacted so (presumably) contrary to his expectations (which were what? he'd cat-call you and you'd swoon at the compliment, be so thrilled that someone had finally noticed you and fall into…
It can depend.
Yup. I think we have better maternity leave than you guys in the US (though I think your maternity leave differs from state to state, or area to area, right?) regarding the amount of time we can take off and how much of that is paid.
Huh, thanks for the suggestion. Wouldn't have thought of using dishwashing detergent. Will have a look when I'm looking for Thai Crystal. (brands may well be different here though).
Thanks for that, not heard of it but will have a look around.
She suggests doing just that :)
Eh? Not really. I'm sure a large percentage of the marketers and package designers are women. And there's plenty of marketing bullshit that is directed at men as well.
Yeah pit stains from deodorant/antiperspirant are a bugger on white shirts. Tried using vanish on them to no avail :/
"When it comes to deodorant, sunscreen, moisturizer, and razors, check ingredients and buy the cheaper dude version."
Yup. I think it's fine to mention in the same breath that she's a porn performer and he's a MMA. It's what they do and what they're known for - and you're right that to omit what she does for a living, when it would be included for other people (f.ex teaching assistant killed in driving accident) does have overtones…