Lucid Minority

I find myself disagreeing with D.P., because Colin Jost is terrific on WU. When I first saw him, I thought, "Aw crap, I'm gonna hate this smug-looking d-bag," but no, he's been solid, and I thoroughly enjoy his stuff. His "Like Cowards!" about the twins was priceless.

B???? Jeezus Freekin Christ, I am so sick of your lame-ass Reviews, AVClub. This was a terrific ep. Paxton/Garrett blown to smithereens was priceless.

I agree, it's a load of crap that Tyrion's "getting his just deserts" . . . what a Twat thing for E.A. to say.

why the hell is everyone so up-in-arms and pissing themselves over Cersei's rape? The evil murderous bitch had it coming. Is ANYONE upset at Joffrey's murder? NO. Is not murder just as bad as rape? YES. Then shouldn't all the douche-bags be just as clinically upset over Joffrey's murder? Fukcing hypocrites.

or maybe, and by 'maybe' I mean obviously, he never means to let her go, keep her as his own private stand-in-for-Catelyn

Margaery is well aware of Tommen's young age and innocence, and she is no fool. So she doesn't go there to sexually seduce him, which would most likely be very off-putting to him. Instead she takes the more subtle road of slowly building trust with him and getting him thinking about her, planting the seeds of his

more like witless protection