
I think it’s happened because fans have become attached to the characters and tried to attribute meaning to them that doesn’t exist. Overwatch is a revelation in cultural representation to the same extent as Street Fighter - sure, there’s a bunch of races and genders, but they’re mostly there because one of the

This is basically what I was going to say haha. I think 99.9% of people don’t give a honk, but hey, kotaku’s gotta create content everyday so they need something to write about.

I can't believe people take video game cosmetics this seriously, but here we are.

I’d be interested in an article regarding why China and to some extent Korea have such a fundamentally different attitude to Pay2Win games. I can’t even imagine how it’s possible to spend that much on a game, much less so why someone WOULD.

That’s when a car was made of STEEL damn it!

My brother works in Boulder. This was taken from an office down the street from his.

At first I was like, “Uh, why is the car unlocked,” and then I thought,there’s food in the car, the bear might just end up breaking the window.” I believe it’s happened before.

No. The fact that this situation even occurred is abhorrent. Of course the government isn’t doing anything, they decided to start this whole mess by switching water supplies to save money.

Some of that change threatens people.

I have nothing negative to say about Musk opening his checkbook for a cause we should ALL be able to agree, is worthy but the fact that an individual/company is doing something the government should be doing, for something that we can all agree, is a basic necessity, is abhorrent.

Never got one.. so I’m screwed when the Purge begins, aren’t I?

I dont think trump did anything to initiate this test besides “be in office”. Bush thought it up and obama signed it in. The message said like “This is a test of the presidential messaging system”.  Which part of this was trump personally, again?

I’m about to warn my son in Middle school that his teachers might just lose their shit at 2:18pm

Did I miss where Tesla initiated this? As far as I read, a guy volunteered his time on his own. Musk took him up on it and said anyone is welcome.

Who is being taken advantage of? The guy who stepped forward on his own accord to do something pro bono??

Why are you so effing negative? These are car enthusiasts who want to share their enthusiasm with others who are buying cars like theirs. Who cares if the model is electric? Who cares if the make isn’t turning a profit? Who cares if the CEO tweets too much? If this was Hellcat owners offering to show new Hellcat

Whats so bad about helping a company you believe in? honestly?

If you’re married to someone who prioritizes just about anything over you, divorce is probably not only a good option, but an inevitability.

Lol. Me too. This guy was one of those players that didn’t really seem to have a group but would jump on any campaign announced on the stores cork board. He rubbed people the wrong way so he was constantly jumping to a new game and people that need didn’t know him.

i mean, yeah it sounds funny. but lets be honest. those marriages would have been killed by the next non-shared interest. the game didn’t take anyone over, it most likely found someone already checked out or on the edge of check out in the relationship, and they just found something fun to do while hoping someone had

I don’t get the obsession with Fortnight. I mean it’s fun for a while but playing the same match over and over gets old for me quick.