I’m in the same boat for mostly the similar reasons. It got too expensive, but it also just made me too angry.
I’m in the same boat for mostly the similar reasons. It got too expensive, but it also just made me too angry.
To answer honestly: I thought it was surprising—and worth writing about—at least in part because Netflix, one of the most loudly self-promoting companies in the business, never says anything about this side of its business, ever. (Although they did release a DVD.com app last year.) So it’s very easy to forget this…
Can’t you just crack open another window to relieve the pressure?
Sort of, yeah. So like outside of your character’s individual experience-earned level, gear itself has “item levels” (ilvl) that is sort of an indicator for how many Stat Points it has (like Light/Power from Destiny, basically, if you’ve played that). So we were reaching iLvl 1000 with the end of Legion, and our…
This is who we are now- you can’t express an opinion about a car or a movie or a TV show without people making negative character assessments.
WARNING!!! Batcape does not allow user to fly.
It almost stops. It’s a low speed collision that should not cause any harm to the passengers.
Man I’m like 75% there myself these days. Like you I just find the easy access to well, EVERYTHING, hard to pass up. Plus I multitask a LOT when gaming, so a dual monitor set-up while also keeping the tv free for Netflix of some such is just nice.
Wow was this a missed opportunity. The voice of Kitt from Night Ridder, Jarvis from the Iron Man movies, The Voice from the computer on Star Trek, there are about a hundred iconic voices from Sci fi and pop culture and millions that would buy androids just for this feature alone. Because who wouldn’t want Optimus…
How Midwest of him.
Maybe I’m behind the times, but I recall Priuses nearly always requiring a battery pack replacement prior to 200k miles. That’s not inexpensive and I would consider it a “major repair”.
Humans are actually pretty good at driving. Okay, there are a lot of accidents, but that’s because it’s not always easy
That’s nice an all but it fucks over people who use gas powered tools. Ethanol gas is like satan’s piss for 2 stroke and smaller 4 stroke engines.
Don’t know, but he would have violated Star Fleet’s Prime Directive.
What a load of rubbish. There will be very little left of it withing a year or two and what is left will have been sterilized to buggery by the radiation anyway. Crap article.
It can accelerate, and has great passing power (for a Camry). But, yeah, you are not going to win any autocross events.