
You don’t win new audiences with CBS All Access

Did you read the article? What law did they break?

Are you telling me it’s against the law to speak your mind in the US?

How were they being sexually harassed? Overhearing someone talking about sex or being asked a question about your sex life, etc isn’t harassment.

I’m not saying they aren’t dicks, but they haven’t

This has been a real bitch. I know I’ve been putting in some hours making sure all our Windows servers are updated. I’m hoping the edge defenses will get it long before it hits the servers, but still...

My old laptop died about ten years ago. I took it to a local repair place, and they said they could probably fix it, but would almost certainly wipe the hard drive in the process. I said it was fine, as I had everything backed up. The guy looked at me for a second looking utterly shocked before saying “You’re the

For individuals this reaffirms the notion of buying an external HDD and back up your files. It’s that simple

WHO cares? See what I did?


Don’t let Neil’s cold dead heart of science destroy your joy, let Pluto be ;)

So, if there are large ice showers, does that mean we’ll have hail Hydra?

Pluto identifies as a planet. If you call it anything else then you’re a celestialist planetophobe. 

I’d wager the forces of darkness and hellfire would most certainly outsource the decision making to a third party overworked contractor that is woefully ill-equipped to handle that many souls per day. Being the sick bastard he is, Satan probably even has a number you can call to appeal your sentencing but it leads to

I completely disagree. Initially I thought the same thing, but imagine in 20 years when self driving cars are affordable. Let’s say 40% of the cars are in the road are autonomous, how many of those cars will cause accidents? Even if it can happen, it will be dramatically less than human drivers which will cause