
Very well done, the only thing that bothers me is the water fall idea. To me it just reminds me of how the towers fell, they looked like a waterfall when they came down, I am not sure if this was the intention or not, but that's just what it makes me think of and sadly it's not a good thought...

if there are going to go all out like that, they should of put in SSD, but I guess you can always buy separately and toss it in...

just built a new system last night - i7 2600 3.4 with 16GB ram and the new Z68 motherboard. I bought a 64GB SSD for my OS and apps and I have a 500GB 7200 for temp storage and a 2x 2TB (7200 SATA 6) NAS running RAID 1. I should be getting my SSD today so I have yet to boot this up, but I am expecting insane speeds.

Logitech should sue their asses off for making a keyboard case just like the one for the iPad! - oh wait a minute, Logitech can't sue themselves - Hey Steve, check this out, there's more money to be made over here I'm sure of it!

until they allow you to read epubs I won't even consider any kindle product period.

What constitutes as a qualifying recovery and what guarantee is offered that they can 100% for sure get your data back? Not good enough for me - I would always go RAID or cloud before this...

VOTE: Nook Color

Terrible, Terrible, Terrible idea. I will support Apple in their hardware ventures, but as soon as they close the loop on everybody outside that circle, that's where I stop my support. I have an old iPhone right now, but my next phone will be an Android (regardless of whatever the next iPhone might be) and right there

I have a hard time buying into this. Installing CM7 internally is really very easy and free. As others have stated once you replace your ROM with CM7 you will never want to go back. There are free reading apps that blow the stock barnes and noble app away and I use the stock B&N app to read my magazines and read to me

ouch - memory is fixed and cannot be upgraded.

Ha, seems like this article was written for me - I am still using the 1st gen iPhone (yup edge and all), but am holding out for either the next iPhone 5 or waiting for AT&T to get the next killer android phone (staying with AT&T because I am grandfathered into unlimited data). Leaning more towards android, iOS has

To title this "sweet little lies" implies this was a setup - it was not. There is nothing about the photograph that is a lie. It happened completely organically and is one of the best pictures of the year. She was knocked down, he went to comfort her - and yes he did give her a kiss, it is clearly seen in the

VOTE: Google Calendar

for most I think Picasa is superior to iPhoto - for the serious photographer, nothing beats Lightroom 3.

by the time I send my DVD back that I've had for months it will be a partially composted envelope - that's a design element right?

yup, Fotki user for 7+ years here. I think I was the only one who voted for them.

right, that I understand. I guess my comment was mainly a "I'm surprised Fotki only got one vote as it is a very good service."

I don't really understand how Fotki got passed up here. They must not be very well known, but IMO for the price and unlimited storage, ease of organization and customization, they beat each one of those contenders, besides maybe smugmug, but the cost is no comparison.

agreed, to compare FB to sites such as SmugMug is laughable...

Vote: Fotki