
I was thinking the same thing. I just got done changing a ton of my passwords because of the Sony breach, but I'm not sweating this. Until they come out and say yes passwords were taken, then I will sweat a bit. But again it comes down to them getting our master password, because without that everything else is

Probably demoed with a nice small jpeg. I'd like to see what it would do with one of my multi-layered 100+ meg files.

I have the same thought, I can't believe they made a "pin as app tab" but did not give us the option of making it permanent?! - @motoxer4533 - the permatab addon (which I used in firefox 3) is not yet available for 4, so it's the waiting game for now...

I haven't read anywhere yet what the possible (if any) threat this might pose to other countries such as the western US? Would any material released disperse long before reaching the US or is this going to mainly effect Japan as a whole?

ahhh, yes, you're right - Platoon is what I was thinking, thanks for the correction!

You are right, it is what we need to see after all the horror lately, I just wish he didn't use the soundtrack from Schindler's List - it instantly depresses me. Oh well, half way to not being depressed anymore...

seriously? you can get ring flashes for as low as $40 these days (yes they may not be a pro $800) but for the time and whatever money this involves, I would really look into the lower cost ring flashes available today...

Wow man. That music is like. Groovy.

The Star Wars Blu-ray would be great to have if the last ones didn't suck so much...

@Cyrulean: thinking the same exact thing...

just get a nook color and root it :)

@technomom1: as others have said, you cannot really compare this to a kindle, they are different animals.

@Boj: yes runs android native, although B&N has crippled it some, so this brings it up to the full Android OS

@Robotronic: not really, the nook color IS an Android device already, this just enables a lot more true Android functionality.

#11 Gawker Media hacked and all passwords stolen. Oh wait, that wasn't your exclusive...

This IMO would not be the fastest way.

well, so much for this. I signed up and the HD rentals are $5.99 a night! no thanks...

wow, I am actually excited about this. That puts it at $1 a night, which is better than redbox and even at $2 for one night, I would pay 50 cents more for the convenience of not having to deal with the disk.

vote: 1&

fail. took some great cuts and ruined them.