
not sure if it's just me, but I never have understood the love of Flikr? It seems very user unfriendly to me how it is organized and the navigation seems poorly implemented...

@mike_311: exactly what I do. Why bother coming up with a "system" when you can have a solid random password generated for you?

@Pixelologist, Esq.: thank you. I'm glad somebody actually read through the whole thread before freaking out...

Best thing about the new design is the clip...

@gaius83: see my reply above...

@snbatman: ok, so to clarify (as my first post was confusing because I forgot to mention the phone was given to me) - my work bought the phone for me, and I would not have bought it otherwise.

@lucidlyseen: and the phone was given to me as a gift, so I certainly wasn't going to give it back :)

@Ridley: I don't consider the iPhone 3G or 3Gs a second revision - it is the same exact phone with 3G added - something that should of been on the 1st iPhone.

yet another reason I still am using my gen 1 iPhone (yes edge and all). I considered the iPhone 4 to be a first gen apple product due to the radical hardware shift and as always I would love to be an early adopter, but with apple products, I always wait for the 2nd revision. This is a perfect example...

dual shock is gone from toys r us and all other colors are sold out...

@coldturkey: ditto - I won't buy (an iPhone 4) until this is addressed properly.

@Emperor_was_a_jerk: is nobody seeing my jedi graphic? - ya know, jedi mind trick and all?!

there are no problems, the iPhone is perfect in every way

@Gann: yup, english or irish breakfast with cream and sugar, yum!

@fate47 - meh.: would you rather it stay the same and never bring any new options? if so, I suggest you run out and buy a brand new PS2.

of course, just when I am thinking of jumping off the iPhone wagon and picking up an Evo...

@Muscar: they have released a windows beta version

I agree Pandora is the best IMO, but lately it has been acting crazy - here I am listening to my Massive Attack station and it decides to play Journey and some Phil Collins crap wtf?