
long post but very informative, with your 1st-hand experience. thanks!

Former Merkava 4 gunner here, I’ll share my 2 cents but it will be long :D

“The Russians got absolutely roflstomped by the Chechen’s in Grozny because they sent MBTs in without infantry support.”

Tanks need infantry support. Period. Without infantry support any tank is a sitting duck. Especially when they’re as dumb as this crew. They had to know that big ass hill would allow even light ATGMs to punch through the weakest parts of the tank. There’s no excuse for them to not be in a hull-down position, with a

Saudi Arabia is supporting ISIS and Iran is fighting them...The Houthi’s main complaint that started their rebellion was about Yemen not doing enough to fight al Qaeda hates ISIS and vice versa...the Iranian, Iraqi, Syrian and Turkish governments all hate the Kurds and are fighting them while Kurdish

The narrator is clearly saying “death to America” and “death to Israel”... Iran is clearly supporting these rebels, (this is one of the poorest countries in the world) the M1’s mean we are clearly supporting Saudi Arabia. We are dealing with Iran on the Nuke thingy... Saudi is unofficially supporting ISIS.

In the meanwhile, Yusuf was going to the market...

It seems fairly likely that the tank was disabled and abandoned. I didn’t see it move one bit, and the rocket was bright enough that it would have been spotted by any observant crew. They didn’t even try to evade or return fire.

The Saudi M1A2S only have their electronics upgraded to the SEP standard, they have the armor of an A1 (no DU)

Tactics and standard practices? Not much. It’s the same challenge with aircraft and other mil equipment. We can give the Saudis/Egyptians/other Arab countries all our top gear, but it doesn’t mean jack if they don’t constantly train and have the high maintenance standards that we do in the U.S.

I don't own a gun and I refuse to buy one, and I do not advocate shooting.

Tyler, first question - does this thing have a smoothbore cannon for APFSDS rounds? And second, this is Rooshian. So WHERE IS MY DASHCAM VIDDY?

As a former 19K in the Army who was drove the M1A1 and M1A2, I approve.