Lucy Scarpati

"tomorrow you will renounce all rights to my lands and titles and go join the Night's Watch. If you do not, we are going to have a hunt. Then somewhere in the woods your horse will stumble and you will fall and break your neck…or so I'll tell your mother. Nothing would please me more". -the fifth or sixth worst dad

My list:
Craster (Got)
Tywin Lannister (got)
Roose Bolton (got)
Stannis Baratheon (got)
Robert Baratheon (got)
Randyll Tarly (got)
Balon Greyjoy (got)
Whoever fathered the mountain and the hound (got)

Did the people who are hating on this actually watch the video? I hate coldplay as much as anyone but this is genius

if she trusts that littlefinger has her back, my impression of sansa is that she is an idiot, regardless of what littlefinger actually ends up doing. Anyone who actually completely trusts littlefinger is an idiot (RIP ned).

Even he doesn't know yet if he is going to sell her out, he just wouldn't be against doing it if it saved his skin or helped further his own interests. I'm pretty sure sansa knows this (even if she doesn't know about him betraying ned she has seen him doublecross everyone he has ever had contact with) and doesn't

I think it's more that she's paranoid about the prophecy than "petty revenge". Also, the tyrells have to stick with the lannisters because stannis would have them all killed and they have no claim to the throne without tommen. Cersei is shortsighted and this will obviously backfire, but i think the sparrows will be

Little finger is a pragmatist that plans 12 moves ahead and has 10 other backup plans in mind. It's not about wether he's lying to sansa OR to cersei he is lying to everyone: if stannis defeats the boltons he'll pledge allegiance to him and have the vale and sansa backing him, if the boltons win he has their loyalty