That moment when the scientists realize it’s actually the sound of the boat engine idling. XD
That moment when the scientists realize it’s actually the sound of the boat engine idling. XD
11. Making the prequels.
Aaaaand the extension is blocking this page :D
They should make a simulator where I can punch that guy’s face while saying: “I didn’t even have to think about making that movement with my hands! It just made sense to punch him dead!”
What’s with the weird banding on the background?
Apparently, you have to talk like you’re asking a question?
Aaaaand Microsoft pulled the Facebook app.
Is that Steve Ballmer yelling?
Does it vibrate when my table is ready?
Maybe this airplane should eat a salad once in a while... Jesus...
What about for obscene photos?
Better love story than Twilight.
Looks like the planet Pandora in the movie Avatar.
Yep! Never saw one of those on my computer.
Maybe the first shot of this trailer will be the first shot of the movie. If you look closely, a split second before Rey slides the cloth to the side, you can see the little dots, as the light of her flashlight goes through it. This could be the stars from the prologue.
11) The Phantom Menace
They should use this in racing tracks.
Make the Martians pay for it.
Binge watched Rick and Morty this weekend. LOVED IT!
Yep. USA already gave the green light for a second season. In fact, they ordered the 2nd season before the series premiere. :)