
You say spaceship, I say donut. What's in a name, right?

Soon you'll have robots doing the job of TSA, too. They better make their "pat-downs" ultra-sensitive.

I'm very skeptical about this news, too. Sounds like a way to convince people they need to stay more in those countries to get rid of all the insurgents.

You should've tried an Asus Transformer with keyboard dock. I know I wouldn't get a tablet unless it had a keyboard dock. I also need to produce content, and if it's to become my main computer, it can't lack a keyboard dock. I hope Samsung gets this, because although I like Asus, I don't want them to be the only ones

Tablets are pretty cheap as computing devices, but ultrabooks? There are much cheaper notebooks - and they aren't even out anyway.

So basically this guy will get everyone to move to Microsoft's expensive cloud?

It's ok. They can always buy another 5 million vests. It's not like they have a debt problem or anything. The bag of money for the Army has no bottom.

And you wonder why the rest of the world likes USA less and less. But it's ok, I guess you can always start those "pre-emptive wars" if a country doesn't like you enough, right?

Probably because the economy is doing so well, and they have enough money to keep all their people occupied with this.

Wait, so he's saying it's ok to shut it down, because all your visitors will go there. You're fine!

So all these ultrabooks will have only Intel technology in them? I'd rather see some with AMD's new A4-A8 chips.

And yet, none of the others are even in the market today or are going down fast BECAUSE of Android (Symbian). So clearly Android is doing something right.

Subscription coming for Gizmodo, right?

Government controlled Internet? Are you freaking kidding me?! Don't answer if you're from China, Iran or North Korea.

Hulu has also started off *only* on the Internet, while Netflix started with DVD's. I think that's the biggest reason people got used to using it on TV's with their DVD players or PS3, etc.

Please explain how Google is perpetuating the patent problem.

"But now it looks like the crypto-currency is maybe not all that crypto at all."

Why aren't they making a HTML5 web app instead?

Isn't it still invite-only?

That Atom Z series must be like $150 from the retail price. Any dual core ARM chip is probably faster and 3x less expensive.