
What? Most websites appear on iOS and Android phones just like they appear on the desktop. The few that don't you can always disable the mobile mode for them.

Hulu is MUCH more suited for Google than for Apple.

Hulu is MUCH more suited for Google than for Apple.

If you want to use it mostly for painting, get Tab 10.1. It should be lighter and nicer to hold in hand.

Nokia will have less than 10% market share before they even start selling one WP7 phone. They will release the stop-gap N9 with Meego, but they said it themselves they won't support it, so what they're implying is that only suckers will buy it. So why bother?

Which was almost as unbearable.

Sigh. Why do you bloggers copy each other like that? Android tablets do NOT use 16:9 resolutions, but 16:10.

Spotify is a real business that has proven itself in the market, and customers love it. Color was just an idea that was implemented badly. How can you even compare the 2?

So in the article you say it's *vaguely* reminiscent of the Metro UI, yet in the headline you're like "OMG, the new Android Market is basically a copy pasted, rip off of a WP7 app!". Those are not your words, but that's how you sent the message across.

It's mostly the fault of blogs who for like half a year they called the next iPhone, as iPhone 4G, even though it was DUMB to call it like that, because it didn't make any sense compared to previous iPhone naming. Apple wouldn't have called it 4G just because it was 4th generation. Before they used 3G to mean it has a

The only problem with this is that all the others are "ganging up" on Google. Since when are competitors allowed to gang up on a company to take it out? Surely, that breaks some competition laws.

It's like saying Windows Mobile and iPhone both had icons. They may be a little similar (how much can you change a social network site anyway?), but Google+ is much better at everything, including UI and site speed. When I joined Google+ I was like "holy crap, this is like 3x faster than Facebook".

It won't be easy for Facebook to do that, for many reasons. Sure, their developers showed a nice little circles hack, but it didn't work the same way as Google+. To make it work like Google+' circles, they'd need to change the whole structure of Facebook and their whole friending system, from symmetric, to asymmetric.

Google would be a perfect fit for it. They have the huge ad network to finally make Hulu international. It will also be a great fit for Google TV and Hangouts in Google+.

Almost limitless energy supply. Think about it as siphoning energy from directly from the Sun, except on a much smaller scale.

So what happens when that star collapses on itself?

Android 4.0 should have that, so expect it this fall/early next year.

50% market share for new sales is a pretty good number at which to stagnate.

No, it's not. Apple could make 20 models per year, too, if they wanted. But they thought 1 phone per year is the better strategy for them, as opposed to RIM's strategy. And related to Android, it's platform vs platform, so it doesn't really matter if it's 3 phones or 50 phones.

Then it would be useless for people trying to hide their identity from the Government while in the same time trying to gather support for a revolution. All it takes is someone friend you and be from the Government, then he sees everything you've posted, and you're busted.