Then maybe you should of not convicted her of a crime that she did not commit?
Then maybe you should of not convicted her of a crime that she did not commit?
Many people seem to be thinking/claiming these are stock photos and it was ethically okay to use them. Here's an interview with the photographer herself where she talks about the photos; please take the time to read.
the real tragedy here is why her craft show never took off.
In the last four years, Arizona has cut every single one of its child-related services except for Child Protective Services. Including slashing a subsidized childcare program that would have helped 33,000 families. It makes me insane that this story is so often framed in terms of one woman's individual choices—as…
Yeah, but that dudeness is going to earn me 30 cents more per dollar.
Hate me if you must, but I'm kind of liking Katy Perry's hair here. Granted it's not a clear shot, but I do sort of dig it.
Neckbeard is a derogatory term for like, unkempt nerds. You are correct. Egregious misuse of the word neckbeard. Minus 15 points from Gryiffindor.
The universe gave us the Goop/Chris Martin breakup and now it is resting. Thus we have no choice but to revisit the cast of Laguna Beach.
I just want to say I really admire your commitment to this glorious GIF.
Way to pick the wrong one, Bass. James Buchanan is the most likely suspect for first gay US President.
I believe the members of The Oceanic Six met through Harry Potter fan music. Hahahaha
As an aside, is there any way you guys can bring back the tags on the front page? I always read Dirt Bag, but since there's no tags on the front page, I don't know which one it is until I click on it and see "Filed to:"
As a photographer who does shoot nudes, I honestly can't even imagine. I am so careful to discus everything prior to shooting with the amazing Women I work with. We go over the intent of the shoot, what I'm hoping to accomplish, how the finished piece will be presented/displayed, and I make sure that we are both…
Somali-*Canadian* rapper K'Naan.
Isn't K'naan Somali-Canadian? Why yes, yes he is. Rexdale represent!