
I really want to be sympathetic, but the examples seem more like Dave Eggers fictionalizing things that happened in real life, which Losse wrote about first. I'm sure that if you read any number of accounts of employees working at Facebook or other tech startups there would mentions of getting passwords, Friday

I really want to be sympathetic, but the examples seem more like Dave Eggers fictionalizing things that happened in real life, which Losse wrote about first. I'm sure that if you read any number of accounts of employees working at Facebook or other tech startups there would mentions of getting passwords, Friday

Does the idea of *weekly* photo shoots seem exhausting to anyone else? I'm clearly too lazy to be straight.

Burning fat is not what I think of when I think of Strange Fruit. Maybe they think I'm a fat jazz fan or anti-lynching activist?

Sorry for the caps freakout. This is just like the third time this has come up on Jez this week, and it's driving me up the wall!

WRONG! The morning after pill is extra strength birth control. It is NOT AN abortificant! This is a completely different set of medications, and by continuing to conflate the two, we're playing into right wingers' hands! This shit drives me crazy!

A) I can never un-see that ass. It is with me for ever (shudder). B) I love that Angus T. Jones looking like every college student ever is grounds for an intervention. C) Matt Damon is pretty much the best ever.

I would argue that the lyrics are performing rape culture almost as explicitly as Baby it's Cold Outside. The concept of a good girl who really wants it but says no for propriety's sake, and the guy who knows better than her and pushes her boundaries/blurs the lines to give it to her. This argument has been used to

Oh yeah, I'm not even joshing. It is morally reprehensible and a pretty fantastic summer jam.

Blurred Lines has knocked out Baby It's Cold Outside and Lady Gaga's Just Dance for the title of best date rape jam of all time.

I want to get a copper IUD inserted. Do you know if it will be free? That would be AMAZING.

Amanda Bynes is totally wearing the uniform of all of my anxiety dreams in that picture. I have to make it through the day without bending down or moving quickly so that no one at work/school will realize that I accidentally left the house wearing only an oversized t-shirt that barely covers my lady areas.

For real, it's like Askars got the nordic adonis genes and his brother got the long winter inbreeding genes.

You sir, are incorrect, although I am impressed by your commitment to research. But both High Life and Budweiser, while undrinkable in can form, when ice cold and drunk from the bottle are sublime. They was robbed. Also shout out to Hamms, my favorite shitty regional beer.

Because what they recommend as punishments (isolation from friends, limitation of financial or physical freedom, beatings) are all classic signs of an abusive relationship? It's basically a guide on how to become an abuser.

I am embarrassed to admit I watched the whole thing. It was terrible. But also weirdly compelling? Also terrible.

We're here! We're queer! We don't want anymore bears!

When you make broad and totally inaccurate generalizations without backing them up with any kind of data, people are going to assume that you are a troll. Because you are!

Sigh, but 50 public schools have not been saved from closure. The (appointed) Board of Ed rubber stamped all of the proposed closures today. The whole thing makes me want to cry. Here is a convenient debunking by the local NPR station of basically all of the arguments for closing the schools: