
It seems odd to me that you would said that Human Rights Watch isn't involved in "victim advocacy". In my experience, much of what they do is victim advocacy, whether it's victims of police brutality, torture, ethnic cleansing, or war. They have a whole women's rights section on their website, which you would have

Although this might count as "marketing" I think it's worth my while to know that a lawyer that I'm hiring is a feminist, regardless of whether the issue I'm dealing with is a "feminist" issue. If I need to hire a lawyer to help with a real estate contract, I want one that will listen to me, not patronize me, not hit

@snowpoppies: totally. that's why I brought up the fact that my stepmom talks about her rape at the dinner table, because it's so rare and powerful when any woman can speak personally about something that's really incredibly taboo. She also talks about the fact that her first husband committed suicide, which can also

I actually feel pretty good about the t shirt design. I think the image is emotionally powerful and not distasteful. My step mother actually does talk about her rape at the dinner table. Not constantly but when it's appropriate, and without shame. It was a part of her life, it is something that it's important for me

I am all for supporting trans and gender queer folks, and I think it's awesome that this couple are having a kid. I'm a little concerned about the effects of his having undergone long term testosterone treatments before having a baby though. there are very few long term studies about the health effects of T on

It's really worth reading the article. It's long but even handed and totally fascinating. I came out of it feeling like there are really good reasons for single sex education having to do with the socialized expectations that can lead to young men and women failing at school. On the other hand, all of the psuedo

@ellietown: word! I was totally distracted all the way through broken flowers because although the women who played bill murray's love interests were roughly the same age as him, they all looked freakish and 20 years younger. it almost ruined the movie for me.

I had chronic UTI's for years and years (with a vegetarian bf) and what finally stopped them was to get up after sex, pee, take three cranberry pills with a glass of water and go back to bed (or whatever I was doing) and if it was particularly rowdy, maybe another three 8 hours later. I haven't had one in years.

My mom had two abortions before she had me and my sister. Although it wasn't something we talked about every day growing up, she always made sure we knew that it was the right choice for her, and my whole family was involved in pro choice activism all of my life.

i'm friends with almost all of my exes who aren't dead or mentally ill (and to my credit i was really close to the dead one right up until he died). i really recommend a cooling off period, sometimes of a couple of years even. but at the end of the day, these are people who i loved because they were/are really fucking

I try and shower before... that seems like common courtesy. but either way, i am 100% that your gyno does not care about your body hair or lack there of. on a really regular basis they deal with things like cancer, rape, std's, unwanted pregnancies. they are not going to walk out of the examining room, grab a nurse

whoa... i was not expecting the comments on this post to be as catty as they were. I haven't shaved my pits since I was 13 or so, although I'll trim them every once in a while if they get all scraggly. i think pit hair is sexy on men and women, (and on a related note, grown women with genitals like pre-pubescent