
All this shit happened last time I parked here...

Pretty well said. My ‘97 Boxster is a great car driven the way the good doctor intended. In 10 years, it’s broken down only once when a fuel pump quit. I’m amazed what that thing can take an do. Maintenance hasn't been bad either. I'm surprised by the lack of love these things get. If only the interior weren’t so

28,000 kilometers is like 5 miles.

I’d buy a Prius if it looked like that.

Fuck you money must be liberating. The danger, of course, is that you sometimes come off looking like a giant douchebag.

Haha it’s so fucking true whether you are being serious or not. The amount of Elon dick riding some commenters here enjoy is insane.

Now playing

For those who need to scratch the itch, 4:00:

“Spice Girls” We all know you listen to Nickelback.

In Takata reality, an airbag is like jumping off a 10 story building and landing in NAM and you walk straight into your own claymore.

When I see this poster, the only thing I thought was “When I grow up, I’m going to hire a better contractor who can build a garage deep enough to fit my cars in”

I had this poster on my wall growing up. I feel like I need a t-shirt that says “I went to college for a higher education, but all I got was this lousy Hyundai.”

Personally, I think even a basic LS V8 motor sounds better than a V10 Viper engine. That said, a Viper sounds fine. There’s a whole litany of cars that sound significantly worse. A Nissan versa, for instance, sounds like a vacuum cleaner. Actually, a nice Dyson sounds better.

True. But he did sentence a rapist to 1/4 of the recommended minimum sentence because he didn’t think the fact that he raped someone should have a negative effect on his life. He did make it crystal clear, not just to the victim of this rape but to rape victims everywhere, that he holds rapists in considerably higher

I was born here and I still have no idea why people make such a big deal about a business being family-owned. Personally, I think that it’s a code word for “christian business” when they want to appeal to them but don’t want jesus fishes and crosses on their signs and business cards.

If you trust Jiffy Lube with your brakes, you’re gonna have a hard time stopping.

This. End of thread. It’s a requirement that I won’t take delivery of my car until I make sure there is no dealer stickers or badges on my vehicle.

Good luck getting anyone, even the press, to refer to it as anything other than the LA Auto Show.

Counterpoint - the Corvette is not a Porsche. -every 911 buyer.

good maluch.