On the positive side for Chicagoans: Rahm Emanuel got humiliated yesterday.
On the positive side for Chicagoans: Rahm Emanuel got humiliated yesterday.
Oh. Satyricon. I thought this was about Satiri-Con, the Comic-Con-style megaconvention for satire. I dressed up as Ambrose Bierce for last year's Satiri-Con (in Akron). So did the other three guys who showed up.
After Fresh Off The Boat's inevitable cancellation, I'm looking forward to a Constance Wu-centric show. It's Not Me, It's Wu. There. It practically writes itself.
And meth.
Apparently ratings did not go up with the creative change of course toward the end. I'm thinking that spells doom for the show, which drew barely half the audience last night that its first season finale drew.
They fumbled it about as much as possible.
Even better.
It still doesn't make sense. They could have tried to preserve the information in the vault, even if they felt they must later destroy it. They could have tried to change the development plans, with magic and/or otherwise. They could have used magic to conceal the vault. There simply wasn't any urgency to…
Agree on Sharif Atkins. At least I recognize the potential there. His sudden addition so late in the season is . . . awkward, to say the least. I wish he'd been introduced early (as in instead of Hawley). I didn't have anything against Matt Barr, but his character didn't work well. I think someone like Riggs —…
Ah, yes. Ignore contrary opinions. Classic.
Well stated. Agree with almost all of it. I have no confidence, though, that your final "can" is at all likely. They have messed everything up so badly, I don't see them fixing it. Very sad. This was my favorite show not that long ago.
The good thing about this episode: I know longer care if it gets cancelled. This was hard to sit through.
It isn't, though. This episode was just awful. I'm not sure I can make it through the final two. I am almost pulling for cancelation now. It would be a mercy killing.
I predict you will be disappointed. B+ is a joke of a grade. This episode was terrible.
It was ludicrous to blow up the Fenestella.
It was remarkably stupid. The Reavers had been contained for hundreds of years, and were successfully kept at bay by Ichabod and Abbie with a gun and a crossbow. There was no reason at all to blow everything up. It was a totally false dilemma (and just awful writing).
Shark jumped.
Constance Wu is awesome.
This is was the first night that Gotham was better than Sleepy Hollow. And no, that is not a compliment for Gotham. Sleepy Hollow completely jumped the shark.