Yeah. That's it!
Yeah. That's it!
It looks like the look my wife gives me when she is completely bored by what I'm saying but wants to feign interest.
She wasn't enough to keep me suffering through Homeland, so I doubt it is going to keep me going on Gotham.
Sivero should try to destroy his liver with alcohol. It could help him when his law suit goes to trial. Also, he should shave his eyebrows.
All accomplished within 90 seconds in Grand Theft Auto.
I thought the first season of Dark Angel was pretty good, though uneven and flawed.
American Horror Story: Sleepy Hollow.
I don't care about Murphy's politics. He's a lousy storyteller. That's the bottom line.
It wasn't that they were fighting over money, it was the cruelty and pettiness of it. To me.
I think it is pretty simple. Of the three main couples on the show, Howard/Bernadette is the one that seemed credible and functional. What's not to get?
Read my post again: sometimes seems healthy. The overall dynamic is fucked up, but in a way that isn't terribly odd. The idea that men marry their mother is as old as relationship talk. The existence of that cliche may be part of what made Howard/Bernadette a credible couple.
Clearly? Up until this episode, there was nothing suggesting it. The more I think about it, the more I feel Caroline was an opportunity squandered.
I've had a few of those. With Supernatural, it should have ended with season 5's Swan Song. I bailed shortly after. I quit on Buffy too, because I once loved the show and couldn't stand to see it sucking. Season 6, also, if I remember correctly. I'd rather stop watching a show I loved than watch it go down the…
Tough call on a "best episode." A few jump to mind. Wishful Thinking, if for no other reason than the suicidal Teddy Bear, is on the short list.
Seasons 4 and 5 were terrific.
I bailed after season 6 also. Now that a few years have passed, I'll go back and watch the first five seasons again, pretending it ended there. Swan Song was the ending the show deserved.
I remember being worried that Supernatural would continue on past its prime, and would become a show I once loved but couldn't bear to watch anymore. Then that happened.
They had plenty of time to establish the relationship between Ichabod and Caroline. They just didn't do it.
It also exposes what a waste Caroline's character was on Sleepy Hollow.