
I think The Sixth Sense would be a nearly pointless viewing experience if you know the twist. Fight Club, on the other hand, is a fantastic movie (and book) that happens to have a twist. I don't know that I could sit through The Sixth Sense a second time. But I've watched Fight Club a half-dozen times, and I've

I'm a big fan of squirrels, so I hope this movie is much better than advertised.

He's like Leonard from Leonard Part 6 . . . if they had really made six of those.

He rates behind crispy chicken for me.

They are going to introduce Larry Moriarty, former Notre Dame running back, as a new foil.

Yeah. That made me chuckle.

Forcing Sherlock to kill himself to spare his friends would stifle any real inquiry into the claims he was a fraud. I think that was part of the point. Sherlock's suicide, apparently in response to public humiliation, would pretty much seal Moriarty's deal.

New Beginnings. What is that? The feminine hygiene spray?

Not me, though. Right? It was making fun of the rest of us. But not me.

This episode made me laugh and cry. And then masturbate into a stainless steel thermos.

Three-dimensional characters work for me because I have 3D vision. I also have sonic hearing.

What is a bowheaded girl?.

That guy wasn't a muppet?!?!

I don't think the show can work without Troy AND Pierce. There, . . I fixed it for you.

Goggins announced that he will be leaving Justified after next season to join with Donald Glover as a rap duo. Didn't make sense to continue Justified without him.

How much like a pedophile does Bruce Willis look in that photo?

I saw The Others on DVD for the first time with my wife and some relatives. I figured out the twist, and it was just killing me to not blurt it out. I wrote it down and gave it to my wife to hold until the movie ended, then I pat myself on the back. I'm petty like that.

Man, I didn't see that grimoire thing coming. Fantastic turn of events.