My citroen won't start

You’d think they’d be opposed to participation trophies, but here we are.

An XK8 with hail damage is the right choice. $7200.

This is blatant government over reach. We should let the free market decide. Don’t bring common sense into it, the free market is all that maters, because it’s free, and that’s basically freedom, like, they’re spelled the same. /sarcasm

We need unnatural amounts of obvious laws because we have a very large amount of

says the guy who drives a juke

So it’s a giant Range Rover Sport. With horrible wheels.

And this is why I think libertarians are basically bullshit.

was... was there a GOOD week?

So another semi-literate redneck is actively voting against his own interests.

“Are you telling me that you used my college savings . . . on a Delorean?”

Thanks for the nomination, but I’m not really qualified to be a Jalopnik writer because sometimes I don’t proofread to see if I any words out.

It’s 10pm on a Monday, chill out.

It would have been perfect had it crashed into a dumpster fire.

Go figure.

There’s also the Mustang Cobra Jet, a HORSE-SNAKE-PLANE thing.

Then read the article I linked where I did that yesterday genius.

It warms my microscopic frozen heart that we still pride ourselves on no good cotomer sevis after all these years.

You simply can not convince me not to like the Lancia Thesis.