Thank you. I have been saying this for a long time. My wife has commented that my stomach has been a bit too big and that I weigh a lot more than I should (5’10” 210lbs), and BMI says I have been obese. My (super skinny & underweight) doctor has made similar comments. I’ve known I have had a large layer of stomach…
Massive intergalactic warfare. Tons of cussin'. Lethal force up the wazoo. Threesomes. Yup, you've probably never…
usually it's used to refer to animation created by Asian animation studios. not just studios out of Japan.
Ashley Phoenix-Claw: "Hey #GameOnSVU I've been sexually assaulted/physically abused so I know how that works... #GamerGate doesn't do that. And hi, I'm a woman."
" Hey, we don't rape & mutilate women! We just threaten to rape & mutilate women!" -Gamergaters
The Evangelion movies always look terrific. They've always been, at the very least, visually interesting. But…
This is why every shower needs a handheld attachment. Not only for you, but because kids can get Defcon 1 levels of nasty.
This is more frightening than any horror movie.
I have a pretty good poop story that is the polar opposite of all of these poop stories, because it is a tale of incredible, life altering constipation. When I was kid, around 3 or 4, I was nuts. I didn't want to go to the bathroom. Not because i was too busy doing stuff like normal kids, I just...I remember not…
Stop criminalizing a crime? Stop giving these teens consequences for their actions? I think that's the whole problem. Of course, the teen brain has not fully developed and for smaller offenses the sentence should not follow them into adult hood. But can you understand the weight the victim carries in this crime, the…
I started with just cutting back on extra helpings, garbage food etc etc and then taking walks for an hour or two. After I shed like 50lbs I ended up going to the gym for the long haul while still watching what I eat. Now after two years I'm down from 280 to 170-175 and maintaining for the most part.
It's been a decade and a half in the making, but now the time has finally come to see the USAF's new tanker in whole…
After the last reporter left and the room grew silent, Lynch sat down in his locker and shed a single tear, sighing, "No one ever asks about my heart."