
Actually, there’s plenty to support. Specifically because a large portion of our country’s population doesn’t actually believe any of the issues this is proposing to address is a problem in the first place.

The Chiefs have absolutely no defense. Even a decent one, and they would have beaten the Patriots.

But the Patriots knew what they had to do against the Chiefs, and did it when it mattered.

McVay is a one-trick pony who helped an average QB elevate his game. This next year will really be key, since plenty of teams figured out the Rams.

The Bears destroyed them earlier in the year. They didn’t have an answer then, either, and Goff was butt then, too.

The Patriots show up to big games. The Patriots execute. When they lost earlier in the season, those games didn’t matter; they knew they would be in the playoffs, and were getting ready to be in playoff form.

So, throw away your vote. Nice.

It’s great to fight for what you believe in, but throwing away the votes was what gave us Trump in the first place. We may be better off for it in the long run, but right now, we are much, much, much worse than anything Clinton could have done.

I get your point, and generally agree with it, but as probably stated already...the masses need easy terms to grasp. There are many, many uneducated people out there. Many more people who just never learned different philosophies nor left their own state for a length of time.

If “socialism” gets some of these policies

With a username like that, you can’t possibly be biased.

Because it’s a desperate move to make sure that 1) the remaining people feel like they work some place that will be around in a year, and 2) so the stakeholders don’t leave en masse.

I mean, it’s all shit, makes sense from a snake eating its own tail angle.

Reading comprehension, please.

It’s a constitutionally protected stupid. 

He’s saying he’s ok with himself, or his family, dying from his gun, because precautions.

Learn how to read, man.

Extreme wealth does become an illness. It feasts upon human’s natural desire to never be satisfied.

It mystifies me that people believe that most of these rich people will somehow become more benevolent once they reach a certain wealth threshold.

And since businesses are just people too, the thinking that businesses

I’m obviously biased being a common laborer, but unions need to exist because more times than not, the management will be the bad guys. There isn’t give and take. It’s businesses taking and taking, and only under penalty, giving what they are supposed to be giving.

There are plenty of people I know who want to work,

He’s also bad at anything shooting.

Also, I hear, when I push people a little harder, ‘Well, I don’t know whether I want brown grandbabies.’

Fuck PC talk. This guy should have offed himself first.

Suicide has a place for certain people.

Thank you. And with a lot of his supporters..especially the ones still around, it is much the same way.

Stop looking deeper into things. Lots of people are stupid, but can still seem to “function” in life. This presidency has only brought their general stupidity out to the public.

I can tell you, because they are retirees, or close to retiring Baby Boomers like my dad.

They sit in their recliner, trolling Breitbart, Drudge, Facebook, and what have you for whatever they can drum up to excuse their life long inferiority complexes.

Yeah, he basically just admitted that while he may not be racist, he’s an idiot.

That’s much better.

And I fully support this. Trump initially wanted every finger pointed at him, so let’s do it.