
This is spot on.

You kind of prove a point, if employees at gamestop didnt have the COL to try to achieve they would just be wandering around, playing games, and doing nothing productive...Jobs dont exist to have fun dude.

I dont know why theyre lying...and sorry youre being stereotyped. Its probably better than trying to have a conversation with someone who doesnt know what youre talking about so they assume you DONT know gaming until you reveal otherwise.

yeaah in my experience its backwards. People dont want to buy “used” stuff for other people. Grandparents usually buy new stuff only. Parents dont care bc they are tired of buying shit for their kids so they go with whatevers cheaper. Teens or young adults usually go with preowned as well cuz we’re poor and like

You realize they still COULD have been sold out because of the sale. If employees are lying its on them, not gamestop. Ive never been pressured to lie and in fact when that sale went on I always laughed with the customer saying how funny it was the newer one was cheaper and SOLD it to them.

That was really shady of the EMPLOYEE, and I would have fired them for that. Not because they didnt reach their sales goal. Ive never been threatened of losing my job. and I LOVE selling new games to guests, cuz I get to talk to them about it (im too poor to buy EVERY game so I get to live vicariously through them)

I understand the “pressure” of this. But honestly not all Gamestops are like this. Ive been under 3 different store managers and the most they want from us to perform the Behaviors to get the COL points. Basically, to try. I would hope noone else tells their employees to lie, my boss’ have not. Nor do I tell my