
Old and annoying it might be, but it doesn't make it false. That you must admit.

I suppose I'm missing something, but what is the point you were trying to make?

Hold on to your panties. They're not putting it into mass production, they've only made one and put it on eBay with one hundred percent of the proceeds going to the Alabama Autism Assistance Program.

Try not to speak so poorly of the dead, please. It makes me and I imagine others rather uncomfortable. Not to mention you look like the asshole in this case.


I agree. Perhaps just like Siri, it'll only be used in the car when you don't want to look away from the car in front of you to do things such as unlocking your phone.

It was a small joke on my part, I think that part was fairly clear, so there's no need to get all huffy. But I have great respect for you because you conveyed what I usually think in a "concise and elegant" manner.

Keep life rants to yourself, please.

I think that by "still shit" he means the build quality is still the same. As in still "shit".

"largest individual cells in existence"

We're a rare breed, we are.

Please sir, remove thy habit of saying "anyways".

I agree entirely. We're a slobby generation of humans, always looking for an ultimate hack that'll get us in shape. It's really not that difficult, just work a little more every time. Even if it's just an extra meter that you run, or an extra repetition for a workout.

I think even when you're not exercising the drinking only when thirsty works fine as well. Back in primitive times we had little notion of time, but we drank when thirsty and ended up fine... Sort of.

Common sense would've saved her.

The time will come when we will need something more along the lines of "Hide My Friends" [From the government].

Sure, maybe it's not a great deal, but I think you've overreacting a bit here. Replacing an iPhone's battery is $79. Replacing an iPad's battery, which I'd like you to remember is bigger hence more costly to produce, is $100 And you get a brand new iPad to boot.

Spot on, ol' chap!

I'm not sure who to side with on this one, the government or Google. Sure, Google pwomised to keep our data private, but the government wants to catch the baddie. Dilemma? I think so.

Yes. FF 7. Curious how the first time I notice that is at a reply to your comment by mikehart52, then matsayz under him.