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    I was considering getting this game and now that I read this article I’m even more likely to get it. I love character creation! And I have a friend who refuses to play GTA Online with me so I’ll probably get this for him. Anyway, one of these images literally had me LOLing. And yes, I totally get it. I’ve had the same

    This dude is a total sociopath and a danger to society. If you read his twitter comments, its obvious that he has ZERO remorse for what happened, accepts ZERO responsibility, and even seems to get a kick out of the whole situation. If he is able to, he will do it again. And again. And again. I think we should lock his

    I don’t get it either! I came to the comments section here hoping someone could explain it! Lol

    But most importantly, will it have new clothes?

    My GTA crew and I met up in Los Angeles on my birthday in April and we went to Disney Land AND RuPaul’s Drag Con. Top that, suckas!!

    Wow, people here like to be dickheads. You made an informed comment and the author provided an update which was not in the original article, honestly they should be thanking you. Fuck ‘em.

    Should’ve made it a Saints Row game. Duh. ETA: To be fair, the game looks fun. But where is the player customization? The vulgarity? The line-crossing? The sex appeal, and making fun of sex appeal? I didn’t play it so I wouldn’t know to what extent these things exist, but the previews I saw sure didn’t show any of


    I’m so jealous!!!!!!! I would totally go to Arby’s for turkey legs!!! Plus, its totally healthy.

    But will it have new clothes???????????

    Okay, first of all: It is more free DLC, you don’t have to play it. Second, as anyone who plays the game regularly knows, Shark Cards are for suckers and n00bs. Which is why Rockstar makes a killing of selling them, LOL.

    I will probably play it. But why no character customization? :(


    I reported a guy yesterday for cheating. First time I’ve ever done it. His level said “8000". Cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater.

    Harsh! Damn, people are spitting all over this gorgeous looking game. I mean, I too want another Dragon Age game, but can they even improve on Inquisition much on the current console generation? IDK. I think Anthem looks great. Is every co-op shooter that comes out now just going to be a “Destiny/Warframe wannabe”?

    Wow, this looks incredible!!! Too bad it isn’t released until NEXT fall. Ugh.

    Wow, they’re really taking their time with the next Elder Scrolls game.


    “Connection to player has been lost.”

    YES. I tried to play for AN HOUR yesterday and was only able to match with TWO other players.