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    I fell in love with this series when the first Tekken Tag came out. Xiaoyu and Jin were my favorite character combo, and they were so cute together. I sort of followed the games since then, and some of the characters because they are fun and interesting. I guess I’ll pick this game up but, IDK...the last time I

    Shit, this means it’ll be EVEN LONGER before we see another GTA. At this rate we probably won’t see a new GTA until the next console generation. Get out of the way, Red Dead!!

    Good! I LOVED this game on PS3 and I am excited to play it again on PS4. I was really hoping more for a sequel but....this is okay too.

    I thought the same thing. It looks just like the first game. I’m probably going to take the “wait and see” approach this time around.

    Man, I fucking hate the little kids that play this game. And I hate their parents, too. Fuck those people!

    Looks kinda like RIGS....which made me realllllly nauseous

    To be fair, I don’t know a lot of people that work in the same place now that they did 13 years ago...

    Not just the jeans, the shorts too!!! Ugly, and only in a handful of different styles.

    Yes! I just wrote a comment about this. I play a male character and I love playing with the style options, but they are pretty limited.

    Or mid-30s...*raises hand*

    As a regular GTA Online player, I’d like to point out that this is not just a problem for female characters. Male players of male characters may not typically care quite as much as players of female avatars, but I certainly do. Stylizing your character, IMO, is half the fun of playing RPGs. And make no mistake, GTA

    Just a little light-hearted trash talk!! That’s nice, but honestly I received the most vicious, crazy sounding PSN messages I have ever seen while playing Tekken. We’re talking death threats. WTF is wrong with people. Fuck this game. ETA: Just to put this in perspective, I play GTA Online like all the fucking time.

    That’s too bad. I have 3 nephews who were always asking for some Disney Infinity characters for their birthdays, or for Christmas. I too always thought the figurines were really cool & fun looking.

    I’m not sure I get what emotion that GIF is going for, but maybe it’s me, too?

    Damn, I just went and bought all these on Amazon. And a couple others. LOL.

    Jesus! I feel like I may need to switch from taking mental notes on the article to taking actual notes on the article...

    I just picked up a copy of this game last night and only was able to play for about 30 minutes but I’m pretty excited to get into it. And I’ve never played a Persona game before...and I’m not even halfway through Andromeda (Zzzz...). But since you mentioned there being lots of people to kiss, I’m curious. Are all the

    Out of curiosity, what makes you think the Destiny 2 base game will have more to offer than the original Destiny base game?

    This, exactly!! I just made a brief comment echoing this same sentiment. I pre-ordered the first Destiny and was very disappointed in the lack of content. Like you, I also jumped back into the game very recently, when the Collected Edition went on sale for $25 around Christmas/New Years. It was like a whole different

    No. The lesson I learned from the first Destiny is this: Wait until after about 3 expansions have dropped.