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    I kind of wish it was another Saints Row instead... but this looks fun too, I guess.

    Sounds great. I’m interested and I never played a Persona game before. Since this is a role playing game, how’s the romance?

    Yeah, VR makes me pretty barfy just sitting still. I got the PSVR and its collecting dust primarily for that reason.

    It was just an average sidequest, but I too thought about that “attempted murder” thing. I mean, why are the options only to suppress the evidence or set him free? Hello, attempted murder is pretty serious!! But, I set him free because of the technicality of it, and then his life fell apart and he put himself back in

    I really don’t understand why reviewers keep shitting on it,either. It’s pretty incredible.

    Well, after hearing the games were based on books, I went out and bought a couple of the books to read before I played the game. And I’m going to guess that many other people have done the same thing. So in a way, he is still profiting off the game’s success. I doubt I would have heard of, or purchased his books, if

    Is there anything we can do about it now? IDK, I feel pretty helpless, and it seems like our government has gone totally haywire. And even with all that, we still have to contend with dumb fucks who believe the orangutan.

    Yeah I thought it was a limited series as well. I loved the show but I’m not sure I want a season 2. Part of me thinks I would appreciate it less if I know that it is going to be dragged on.

    This article both makes me want to start live streaming and also think that is a really bad idea.

    I’ve noticed it for a while, I don’t think it is anything new or that it has necessarily gotten worse. I’ve been playing for maybe 3 years, now.

    I will readily admit I am a griefer in GTA Online. If I am bored, I like to ride around in my armored car and run people over, that’s my favorite!! But it is also fun to snipe them from rooftops. And also...I like to set proximity mines for people to walk into or drive over. I enjoy hearing people get pissed off on

    I have spent like 700 hours in this game (not exaggerating) and I’m only NOW hearing about this glitch, after it was patched. I’m really disappointed because it sounds...good. But, I almost never do the heists, because my experience trying to PUG heists has been really awful. I don’t have enough friends that play

    Hahahaha!!!! Um...now I want to play? LOL

    I couldn’t make it very far into Outlast and I had to quit. The reviews and screencaps I’m seeing of RE7 are giving me flashbacks to that game. But I want to play it still...but I don’t. But I do? But, no.

    Man I got the PSVR when it was released in the US and it has mostly just been collecting dust. I kind of have buyer’s remorse.

    I just bought this game on Friday, at full price, and have spent several hours playing it this weekend. And I find it really frustrating. What is the plot? Is there a plot? Why should I continue to care about moving forward from one area to the other, when sometimes I just want to throw my controller at the TV and

    Part of me wants to be angry on this guy’s behalf because his neighbor sounds like a total dick who needs to get punched in the face, but another part of me thinks he seems a little douchey himself. So, eh.

    I like my character’s face quite a bit. But I wish I could customize his body. I think its lame that you cant give the characters different body types.

    You have to have friends to do the heists with. I’ve tried the random match selection for heists, and it is totally useless. There is ALWAYS. ALWAYS ALWAYS. someone who quits, which then immediately kicks everyone out of the whole heist. And even if they don’t quit, they mostly suck. They suck, people get

    I mostly just play missions, the occasional race, and the occasional adversary mode. And I grief other players in the lobby. I like to hit and run. Seriously. It’s so much fun. Target the players with mics, its hilarious!