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    shit, that’s a good deal. the main reason I fell off this bandwagon is when they dropped that $40 DLC.

    shit, that’s a good deal. the main reason I fell off this bandwagon is when they dropped that $40 DLC.

    I have this question too. My iPhone earbuds are totally useless to me because they won’t stay in my ear even when I’m sitting still, let alone when I am running. I have to have earphones with a hook on them, or a loop to hold them firmly in my ear.

    I have this question too. My iPhone earbuds are totally useless to me because they won’t stay in my ear even when

    lol. good looking out, morons XD

    good songs

    That is really cute <3

    I wish I were more of the wait and see type, but fuck it, I know I’m going to buy this almost immediately when it is released. And a 4K TV as well, because I’m just a sucker like that.

    Nice. I sort of wish I had read the manga. There’s a whole lot of story there that I am unaware of. The only comparison I can make is to Akira, because I’ve seen the movie and read all the manga (the only anime & manga I have both seen and read to completion). When I read the manga, I was blown away by how much

    I am a big fan of the original movie, but never got into the manga or the animated series that ran; I think I only saw the sequel once and I barely remember it. But I love the first movie. I have learned over the course of my life to RARELY go into movie adaptations expecting to see the same story you read in a

    We’ll just have to sit reaaaaaallll close to the TV.

    I hope so.

    OMG! I almost had to close my office door I was laughing so hard!!

    This is delightful!!! I’m going to subscribe to her channel. And I never subscribe to anything.

    That’s crazy.

    How is the motion sickness?

    I got 3 games but Rigs is the only one I’ve played so far. I definitely have to limit my playtime on it because it makes me sick, dizzy, and nauseous. And yet, I love it. ETA: But, even though I love it, I am frustrated by needing to take frequent breaks, the lingering ill effects.

    I bought the PSVR headset on Saturday, along with 3 games: Eve, Rigs, and Worlds. So far I have only played Rigs, but it definitely makes me dizzy, disoriented, nauseous, and a little headache-y. It was pretty bad that first day. On Sunday I was able to play with slightly less nausea, but not total adjustment. Due

    Thanks for the review. I’m on the fence about whether I want to get this. I was very excited about it but the more I hear, the less exciting it sounds. If I’m going to drop $500, I’d maybe rather drop it on something else. I might just wait a while before I decide.

    I love GTA Online. It is one of my favorite games to play! And it is so easy to go back to, like riding a bike. I’ve been at it for about 2 years and I’m just over level 200 now. Yay me! The trick to having fun is to not take it too seriously. When you get to the point where you find yourself stressing out about

    I thought the same thing! They are probably just people who never read the manga.

    I don’t even play this game but some of this had me literally LOLing