Luc - The Acadian Oppo


I laugh at all the morons who kept telling me and others that Hennessey isn’t sketchy anymore or he had changed. We all had seen him be a complete knob tons of times on different forums and with how he treats customers, but people just could never expect it. I am not shocked in the slightest that this man child and

Helluva article Jason. Nice work.

God damn. This is fantastic journalistic work, Jason. Please don’t ever leave us!

There have been flashing red warning signs about this guy for years. I believe most of his actual delivered “product” in the past few years has been work subcontracted out to other build shops with the Hennessey name on it. I’m glad to see a bit of investigative journalism on him instead of just fluff bits about the

This is good Kinja.

The reason this is a thing is because, well, it's a thing.

Please Mr. Trudeau make it 2015 again

Once Johns shows up in the comments, this is gonna be good...

“I’ll take ‘Things That Surprise Nobody’ for $600, Alex.”


I wondered what happened to the guys who were sitting on the couch.

This is exactly how I feel and I don’t like her at all. But it’s just so rude, if you don’t like it, leave. If you stayed and don’t like it, talk shit on it later, but it’s still someone’s life’s work.

My dad is a genius, it just takes me 10 years to realize it and I’d never tell him that ;)

You missed step 1: convince wife you won't kill yourself.

My recommendation is to buy an ancient two-stroke that hasn’t run in 20 years and spend a ton of time restoring it and getting it to run great. Then, forget to make sure your throttle cable isn’t binding on anything and eat it on your first left turn. It’s a great way to bond with your motorcycle and the ground.

I wanted a Bonneville very badly but I could never find one locally that had a price I was comfortable with for my first bike. I love that style of motorcycle and was pretty adamant I get something like that. Ended up buying a 78 CB750k

True Jalops rides Victory Vision bikes.

All I needed was the headline... Ran my ‘86 to 340,000 miles before the floor succumbed to new england road salt. Unstoppable.