Luc - The Acadian Oppo

Still waiting for the RamCat

Looking at this, and realizing that it was a 1997, makes it look even more dated than you would think. Take the Nissan 300ZX Z32 for example, which came out at least 7 years before the EV-1, and it looks like it was the EV-1 that came out 7 years before.

I honestly didn’t know anyone on the Jalopnik staff was of driving age in 1997.

Nothing Whiter than living in your car by choice

With electricity, presumably.

If he didn’t do it, he knows who did.

I’m sure experts have differing opinions, but afaik an IQ of 70 is right at the cutoff of mental retardation and low-normal-but-functioning intelligence. Our legal system is also extremely unforgiving in regard to mental disabilities as a defense, and I think a case would be successfully made that Avery was a

As recently as a month ago, I had 2% loans on 3 different cars. I paid two of them off in anticipation of my upcoming home purchase (new construction), just to simplify my financial picture.

Weird and ugly, and yet I want one.

You’re right. Men’s values lies on more than his appearance.

“Yet you are hurt that this article about women’s magazines doesn’t address men’s issues enough.”

“jacked body builder” is a look which is out of the reach of most men. It seems odd to make that comparison. “Men can and often do look like GI Joe.” Uh, sure, and many women look like staggering babes all of the time. So, I guess they should just stop complaining.

I really hate the word “ideal” when used as an adjective. I don’t care if you never get your ideal job, boyfriend/girlfriend, home, etc. but I do want to see peoples’ needs met and attain some happiness. And I don’t care if anyone is ever considered “ideal” in any way. Yes, society places a greater value on a woman’s

With respect, you’ve missed the point. I’m not criticising the respondents, I’m criticising the coverage. There has been no critical thought put into what these changes mean and don’t mean.

Because the point I am making, again, is that the terms that are being ditched Are not. In themselves. Harmful. To illustrate this, I used the examples of Men’s Health magazines, a direct parallel of Women’s Health magazines to show that the same words are not perceived to be negative there. I wasn’t asking for people

I have seen many women who look like Barbie. I have seen zero men outside of an NFL game who have GI JOE like physiques. I think that model scouts can go to pretty much any large university and find suitable female underwear models. Typial male underwear models are signifiantly much harder to find.

I have been shirtless many times and have had men and women say “Good Lord! You are so fucking skinny!” If someone said “ fucking fat” to a woman, it would be more socially acceptable for her to tell that person to go straight to hell. She also probably would have more people defending her.

But by looking at the issue in a vacuum aren’t you risking missing other factors?

What’s the difference between ‘Bikini Body’ for women and ‘Beach Body’ for men?

But what about the men???? The answer is that nobody here cares. Sorry bro.