Luc - The Acadian Oppo

I’m tied.

That’s impressive!

That’s the kind of thing I was expecting people’d do with these, though I’m mildly surprised it took more than an ECU reflash. Given what the new Works already has, I can imagine a lower tuning stage (say 75-80ish hp) with little more than that.

I know I’m going to get killed for this but recently I’ve found myself missing the days of the bodykit, graphics, and neons from the early 2000s. You can only take so many stanced, murdered out, rat rod, drifters before you pine for the joy of a coherent design that at least every part looks like it’s from the same

at it’s finest

Don’t be sexist. Broads hate that.

My optometrist advised that I stop talking with my SIL for this very reason.

She told us about it, but it wasn’t an abortion, see. It was a “procedure.” An abortion is something that a wanton slut gets so that she can have consequence-free sex, usually performed by a cackling lesbian socialist at Planned Parenthood while Slayer plays over the intercom.

But, as my extremely pro-life sister in law just found out, she is not immune to things like tubal pregnancies. Funny how all that righteous pro-life spewing goes right out the window when it’s your* own life in danger.

Funny story about women like this: they will go to the rallies and yell and weep for dead babiez, but the minute - and I mean the absolute MINUTE - they need an organization like Planned Parenthood, they will throw on their stupid sunglasses and slink in through the side door, get their absolutely necessary,

Right here is a lot full of all the cars i wouldn’t take as a gift.

ha, 1974. It was a great year if you happen to own stocks in the company supplying vacuum hoses.

It was awesome- she did really well. I kept speeds reasonable, but still scraped the rigid mudflaps a couple times on frost heaves. Wished I had a roof rack; survival gear, a full sized spare, aviation-rated fuel bladder, snowmachine helmet (in case the windshield busted), and my slope worker brother who I had for the

There are times when a truck would be better, especially something like a Raptor. Mostly to get up above some of the blowing snow, and the huge cargo area. Unfortunately, I have room for only one vehicle, so I bought the WRX. I have an affinity for fun, and relatives with pickups.

Yes they made them in India, at least the “high-top” one as in the picture. We owned the one with the normal flat top. Have fond memories of going on trips with my family in South India - those were the days, in the early 90s.

It was awesome, just be sure to get a CB so you can talk to the truckers, they are really cool about letting you know if they are coming around a corner or hill. They’ll also let you know if you can pass:

On my bucket list, Highway #9/#5 (Top of the World Highway) from Dawson in Yukon down to Tetlin Junction in Alaska, then back down #2/#1.

I drove the Dalton earlier this year- want to do it again.

If I manage it, hell yes, I know the Mrs would want no part of it.

Right now though, still stuck in Africa working for the man.

I hope to roll back to Asia here at some point, but it isn’t in the cards yet.

I have a dream (admittedly, a crazy dream) for an epic road trip from St. Petersburg, through all of Russia, down into China, Tibet (to Lhasa), and back up to Beijing.