Luc - The Acadian Oppo

After seeing a couple of Alaska suggestions, I thought to myself ‘I need to get a Raptor and go drive around up there.’ Glad to see I’m not the only one.

I actually like the Cassiar Highway (BC 37) better than the Alaska Highway for getting through British Columbia. Although presumably most people drive back too so you could do a loop. Watch out for bears.

Bucket list item for me too. Perfect choice.

Bonneville Salt Flats

Beijing to Mumbai.

The T-shirt contest is over, but here’s a late entry anyway.

Off topic: What’s with Americans and their pride of changing their own oil?

Why, thank you, kind sir.


Honestly, it doesn’t matter as much as you might think. When I was compiling the statistics I realized I had to decide what to do about stars, and I just decided not to count them — purely for the purposes of this post.

Ha! “Best” as in best automobile to get maximum interest/pageviews/readers, not best to drive or live with.

Because people who suggest Vipers don’t read, Doug.

and...? It doesn’t matter, Doug. This isn’t a democracy. Best ideas win.

It worked to help bring COTD back, maybe it will work to get Doug into a Model T.

Star this comment if stars = suggestions/votes.

I was one of the Yugo proponents for exactly that reason (but I didn’t want Doug to have the fun of actually driving an old muscle car).

God dammit, I was really excited about the model t being the highest rated comment. I think that would make for some hilarious videos.

So starring something did nothing and we should have littered the thread with repeat posts?

Rather disappointed in all the boring suggestions. I was hoping for some old, kooky and quirky shit mixer. Alas, these idiots think the vanilla NSX is cool. What a hopeless world we live in.

I second this. I want to see all the absurd suggestions. Almost as much as the serious ones.