Luc - The Acadian Oppo

The owner failed miserably in Tetris as a child.

Yes. Weight distribution was definitely the #1 priority here.

Dat stance doe.

dont hide it, release it

The struggle is REAL for that rear suspension.

Hence the problem.

They need some help cubing all that out. The ones in the front seat could totally fit in the back, allowing you to bring a lookout / passenger with you.

There’s a spot that every car has, but I can’t remember what they call it...

This is neat, but where do you draw the line at high horsepower gasoline engines? As power levels increase, gas engines become less and less ideal.

Don’t get me wrong, this motor is really cool and I won’t argue with the results, but it’s still using a lot of off the shelf Chevy LS parts. Those exhaust manifold are definitely OEM and the heads (4 of them) are likely ported OEM units as well. To me this is a 2x LS3(or 7 or whatever) with a custom made block, crank

Hey, it’s OHV Pushrod! Suck on that OHC, you suck.

I like that very much. Mazda has quite good design language going on, and it fits the proportions here more than the 3 hatch.

“Nobody wants wagons, they only want SUVs”
“Well, let’s build a sporty SUV, you know, like an SUV but lower.”
“So you mean a wagon?”
“Yes, but don’t call it that.”

Sort of. They compressed the equivalent or a century of American progress and population growth into about ten or twenty years, in a process that involved vastly more people, with a less efficient political system and a terrible record of code enforcement. They could have done worse, considering.

just saying...

SWEET BABY JESUS!!! I NEED THIS! The Orochi honestly is one of my favorite cars and this version is even better. Yes I’m weird like that. But Torchinsky is weird and people like him?

Depends on which family member.

Well, I certainly don’t approve of what they did but you know, Republicans are always saying they want immigrants to really embrace the American way of life.

Handy Pocket Guide to Mass-Shooting Reactions in America: