
Do you want Snowpiercer? Because this is how you get Snowpiercer. 

Those are launch vehicles, not spaceships.

“First, Tesla and SpaceX both got many government subsidies. Musk’s wealth has fuck all to do with anything, since taxpayers paid to build his cars & rockets. Second, there’s no such thing as an average billionaire.”

Ok, I’ll spell out the point I’m making.

You literally cannot prove that they wouldn’t have.”
Same can be said for anything impactful anyone has ever done. It’s the perfect excuse to not recognize any above-average impact.

We aren’t overpopulated. This is a weirdo misanthropic misnomer. We are resource-allocated inequitably.

So your flex on X/Musk is to admit your site needs X/Musk to be seen?

Then the war continues. Why should Ukraine give up anything?

The only way this ends is for Russia to withdraw completely from Ukraine.

IRT all the comments about not negotiating do you really think that Ukraine is really going to push Russia out of all of Ukraine? Really?

that guy wrote an article based on what he saw 7 years prior, and then you wrote a blog about that article?  no wonder you’re not a real journalist

Wtf are you talking about? Fyre Fest’s scam had nothing to do with severe weather that no one had control over. Good god this site gets worse every day. Maybe you should you should look up the difference between fraud and weather.

This is such a stupid take. Did 1,000's of people buy tickets only to get there and find nothing? Was this a scam setup by some influencer who was way in over their heads? Were people stuck on a Caribbean island? Just more clickbait!

Fyre Fest moment? I don’t think anyone at Burning Man was expecting good food, accommodations and Ja Rule

Another reason to dump social media altogether.

This is totally out of context. There are generated collision alerts constantly due to numerous safety algorithms for look ahead timing. If 3 mile separation is broken, like 2.9 miles, it can generate an alert. These are constant piped and collected simply as “collision alert”. It could just be that an aircraft did

Yeah, the wording makes me think of all the headlines that breathlessly exclaim an asteroid is passing with 10,000 miles of Earth.

So, roughly 17 million commercial flights in a year, with 300 near collisions. That is 0.0018%.

Yes, “near collisions” is a great attention grabber, in 2022 there were nearly 43,000 US automobile related deaths, or ~ 8274 per week. 

We have no idea if they’re losing money on commercial launches, but I doubt it. There’d be no point in selling them if they were. 

That’s rather remarkable, considering how much money they’re spending on Starship development. If they didn’t care about the Moon landing contract or the Mars stuff, they could probably make a tidy profit just by incrementally improving the Falcon rocket series (which are strong enough for nearly all launches these