
I just saw this guy on a post about a donkey shelter in Colorado. Gah.

Trevor Noah always gives me the dudebro “im just kidding” vibe and i am not here for it.

What is up with the cast of Full House insisting they’re part of the Olsen Twins lives? They were forced to work with you guys for the first six years of their lives. They’re not your family and they owe you people nothing.

Definitely a typical Ryan Murphy show then. They always start great and then turn into a total train wreck.

Yeah, it was...weird. Weirdly progressive for the time but also super fucked up.

It’s even more insulting that only offered him 72 Virgin miles for the inconvenience.

Absolutely. The GF also then followed it up with a line about how “I like [thing X] but I know I’m being indoctrinated to like it and that’s fine, I want to get off. But also I want to live in a world where I was never told that was something that was hot.”

And she had a great line of “I don’t judge individuals but let’s say I am suspicious of how many dudes have fantasies that align perfectly with existing patriarchal norms.”

Not to mention it totally shits on people of faith who happen to get seriously injured, die or lose someone because God did not personally save them.

Rich, white men 35-64 who used to fancy themselves liberal but now make too much money for that garbage.

Call me crazy, but the most efficient thing God could have done is not let her husband fall asleep at the wheel.

Cleary it was Satan's foot on the gas. I mean, who else?

full story; It was a bumper car and the pimply teen at the control panel shook ben’s shoulder and told him that the ride was over and there’s a long line of kids waiting to take their turn.

Do they come with 2 mysterious extra pieces that seem to be essential, but fit nowhere?

It reminds me of that big black board in the movie “And The Band Plays On” where they try to track patient zero. They called it “The Butcher’s Bill”, so there’s your bacon?

I wish Britney Spears never got famous and instead taught dance to eight-year-olds in rural Louisiana. I really think she would have been happy in that life.

I would turn down the presidency if it meant Springsteen would hold my hand while gently singing “I’m on Fire”.

Bruce’s constant and complete #hardpass of Christie’s advances warms my soul.

I wonder if being FriendZoned by The Boss, makes America doing so secondary?