Lou Reeda

this is one nostalgic article ..


she's just big boned

love RPDR and love this review

i must have missed that part. it make a lot more sense like this…


I just can't buy how the society has changed in so little time.
Take Serena: she was a smart woman, even a feminist. How did she become such a bigot without even the slightest doubt?
The should have found a way to let the audience know that at least 10 years has passed since the flash backs…

chill man, its just a message board…

i love my stalker

enough with the hate now

best way to defeat trolls is to ignore them

I'm watching the show w subtitles (non native speaker here) and i found the handmaids names pronunciation quite odd. Why is that?

mee too

and this is where the anthology series coming in handy

She always plays the basic bitch so I guess people have started seeing her like that. I find her beautiful and with a good comic timing, but maybe she is indeed a bitch…

Well, as a woman of colour it offends me more than people thought about monkey=blacks when the group was quite mixed…


ok thanks, i get it. It didn't sound offensive to me though.


thanks, your comment was really useful and polite