
Counterpoint: Swinton (who may or may not be real, we may never know the truth) is the one who mentioned a fictional school in the discussion of reality so shit that ain’t real is fair game.

I feel like this criticism, while maybe not entirely invalid, is going to great lengths to make perfect the enemy of the good.

Maybe I’m missing something, but I feel like this post is a weird attempt to take issue with Falahee’s statement despite the fact that there is nothing wrong with it.

But if a woman wanted to have her tubes tied with tin two days of a pregnancy scare, we'd support her! It's his body and not my place to judge.

The obvious solution is for all us bitches to start down-voting the piss-poor movies that don’t pass the Bechdel test(yes, all those ones you didn’t rate but watched on HBO because whatever you’re paying for it anyway, might as well or because your s/o wanted to watch it or your brother or whatever who cares). Let’s